Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who killed John F. Kennedy and Why?

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Johnson, Bush and Nixon were involved in John F. Kennedy's murder.

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If you still believe that Oswald was the lone assassin who killed Kennedy, you are greatly mistaken. If I told you who really killed Kennedy, you would probably never believe it. Though much of the evidence has been destroyed over the years, and more than 74 people who knew about the conspiracy have been murdered to keep them quiet, yet the evidence that still remains is overwhelming.

Dorothy Kilgallen, a famous writer and Editorialist of numerous political columns, had just completed a lengthy interview with Jack Ruby in prison, and had told some of her friends privately that she had uncovered information about the JFK assassination that would "blow the case wide open." She told her hair dresser what she was doing, and she said that this would be a story of a lifetime. That she would prove who assassinated the president. And she was going to buy a gun, because she was scared for her life and scared for her family. She said: "If the wrong people found out about what I know, it could cost me my life." Dorothy knew that she was a reporter who knew too much. Days later she was discovered dead in her apartment, and the manuscript that she had been working on was gone. 

J. Edgar Hoover said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so Monstrous, he cannot believe it exists."

"If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."
George H.W. Bush.

It was George Bush Sr. and all of his Nazi Illuminati buddies in the CIA, together with the help of the Italian Mafia that killed Kennedy. But they received their orders from the masterminds behind the conspiracy, which included George H. W. Bush, Nixon and Johnson. 


After JFK’s assassination Mrs. Kennedy refused to remove her bloodstained clothing, and regretted having washed the blood off her face and hands. As she stood next to Johnson on board the plane when he took the oath of office as President. She said, "I want them to see what they have done to Jack."

Jackie Kennedy, who died in 1994, states in her oral history recordings – that she made after the assassination – that it's very clear to her that others were involved; including President Lyndon Johnson.  And now 17 years after Jackie's death, her daughter Caroline has decided to release her mother's tapes to ABC News in 2011 from the Kennedy family vault, and the ABC executives have confirmed that the revelations in these tapes are "explosive."

Johnson had called Federal Judge Sarah T Hughes to come to the airport to administer the oath of office which he wanted to take before leaving Dallas. When Judge Hughes finally arrived on air-force 1, she said to Johnson, "Mr. President, I'm really sorry but I could not find a copy of the Swearing in Ceremony." And Johnson looked around at the people gathered there and said, "If any of you say anything about this I'll call you a liar." 
And he reached into his pocket and pulled out a copy of the Swearing in Ceremony to become President, which LBJ just happened to have with him. If this isn’t incriminating
evidence that Vice President Johnson knew before it happened that President Kennedy was going to be murdered that day, I don’t know what is!

So while they were standing there and Judge Hughes was reading it and preparing to give the oath of office; Johnson turns and looks back a Albert Thomson and Thomson gives him a wink, and Johnson smiles.

Evelyn Lincoln, President Kennedy's Secretary said this in 1994, "As far as the assassination is concerned it is my belief that there was a conspiracy because there were those that disliked him and felt the only way to get rid of him was to assassinate him. These five conspirators, in my opinion, were Lyndon B. Johnson, J.Edgar Hoover, The Mafia, the CIA and the Cubans in Florida."   

This is a picture of Robert Kennedy smashing his fist into one of the White House pillars when he said to Johnson: "Why did you have my brother killed?

Robert Kennedy also suspected the CIA and the Cubans, asking both CIA director John McCone and his Cuban friend Enrique “Harry” Ruiz Williams if their people were responsible for his brother’s murder. RFK said: “One of your guys did it.”
Haynes Johnson, a reporter, says that he was in the room with Robert Kennedy on the afternoon of his brothers murder, and he heard him blame the assassination on the CIA and their Anti-Castro Cubans.

 Robert Kennedy was the Attorney General of the United States and a expert at investigating and solving crimes, along with the president's widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, both sent a friend of the family named William Walton to Moscow to tell Premiere Khrushchev and the Kremlin that they did not blame the Russians.

And then the Soviet Union did a thorough investigation to find out who really was responsible for JFK's assassination. And after 21 months they determined that it was Lyndon B Johnson who arranged for Kennedy's murder. 

In September of 1965 the KGB informed its staff in New York City that LBJ had killed Kennedy. And  J. Edgar Hoover who had previously wire taped the Russian embassy, discovered that the Russians knew all about Johnson and their successful "coup d'état."

And Hoover ended up writing an official report, which was distributed to the heads of the FBI, and to President Johnson saying: "Our source added that in the instructions from Moscow, it was indicated that "now" the KGB was in possession of data purporting to indicate President Johnson was responsible for the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy."


The History Channel had made a 9 part series called "THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY." And the last segment was called "THE GUILTY MEN,"

The History Channel aired this very popular segment a few times, which detailed LBJ's, the CIA's, Mafia, and the Cuban connection, but because of pressure from the government, they had to take it off the air. But you can still watch this program on YouTube.

As far back as 1959 plans had been made to send thousands of helicopters to Vietnam. Orders to make 4,800 helicopters at a very high initial cost, were now being canceled. The biggest aircraft procurement program for the new F111 fighter which was for 6.8 billion dollars, was now being scrubbed. Kennedy's plan to cancel the invasion of Cuba and pull out of Vietnam endangered the CIA’s gun, and drug running operations, and had created intense animosity in the Pentagon against the Kennedy’s, shortly after Kennedy unexpectedly won the presidential election instead of Nixon. 

Col. Fletcher Prouty, the Chief of Special Operations during the Kennedy administration said: “You can not imagine the reaction in the Pentagon when Nixon lost the election. It was as if a tornado had destroyed all their plans for war. Kennedy made it clear to the military industrial complex that he was not going to put more American soldiers into Vietnam.   

Shortly before Kennedy was assassinated, he announced that he was going to bring home a 1000 American soldiers from Vietnam by Christmas, and the remainder by 1965. He also called off the invasion of Cuba, and canceled 70 billion dollars in military contracts. He felt that he had been deceived by the CIA, who were secretly conducting covert actions against Cuba; and trying to assassinate Castro which nearly started a nuclear War with Russia. Kennedy realized that the CIA possessed entirely too much power and was placing our nation in grave danger acting on their own without the consent or authority of either the president or congress.

In early 1961, Allen Dulles came to Kennedy with a plan to first-strike the Russians with nukes; it would have killed millions of innocent civilians. JFK walked out of the meeting. Then he warned Dulles he would not commit troops to support the Bay of Pigs. Dulles thought he could force JFK to commit once he had boots on the ground. JFK wouldn't back down, the invasion failed, and he fired Dulles as head of the CIA, saying he would : "smash the CIA into 1,000 pieces and scatter it to the winds."   

The New York Times recently published an article about a 600-page report that revealed new evidence that numerous Nazi war criminals, and notorious mass murderers, had been secretly working for the CIA for over thirty years. President Kennedy also ordered the CIA to stop smuggling and selling drugs to the American people, to finance their gun running, assassinations, wars, and covert operations; and he sent the FBI to locate the camps and to shut them down.

John Kennedy had a trusted friend Arthur Krock who would write articles for him in the New York Times. On October 3, 1963 in an article titled “The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam.” President Kennedy stated: “Twice the CIA flatly refused to carry out the President's orders, because the agency disagreed with him.” Kennedy “likened” the CIA’S growth to a malignancy, which he was not sure even the White House could control any longer. " The agency "represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone." 

Kennedy went on to say that, “If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup d’état to overthrow the Government, it will come from the CIA.” John Kennedy tried to worn the American People of the hidden power that controls our government, and a month later they blew his brains out into a thousand pieces, and scattered them to the winds.

In June 1961, John F. Kennedy signed National Security Action Memorandum 55 which stated that all clandestine operations by any agency would come under the control of the joint Chiefs of Staff, and thus under the control of the President.

The final straw for the military came on October 11, 1963 when President John F. Kennedy signed the national security Memorandum no. 263, which ordered half the American advisers home from Vietnam by December 25, 1963, and that the remainder of the U.S. military be withdrawn by 1965.

On October 30, 1963, North Vietnamese Catholic president Ngo Dinh Diem was assassinated with his brother and sister-in-law by a military junta who took power with full support of the CIA. Senator George Smathers remembers Kennedy’s reaction when hearing about Diem’s overthrow and death: “I’ve got to do something about those bastards… they should be stripped of their exorbitant power.” He was talking, of course, about the CIA. Instead, he was himself deprived of his life three weeks later. 

Just 4 days after Kennedy was murdered, the day after Kennedy's funeral on November 26, 1963, Lyndon Johnson signed national security resolution no. 273, which completely reversed Kennedy's plan for a withdrawal from Vietnam, and committed the U.S. to a War in Vietnam. The most bizarre part of this story is that the Document that Johnson signed was drafted on Nov 21, 1963, the day before Kennedy was assassinated. Johnson subsequently increased troops from Kennedy's 16,000 to 550,000 in the next five years.

Although Johnson always tried to portray himself publicly as being JFK's right hand man, he fought Kennedy behind the scenes according to Evelyn Lincoln, Kennedy's secretary. He sided against Kennedy, and with the military chiefs, on Berlin, Cuba, and Vietnam. 

Johnson was against practically everything on President Kennedy's legislative agenda. INCLUDING Civil Rights legislation throughout JFK's presidency, always cautioning Kennedy saying: "The timing is not right, you have to wait until the time is right."
Johnson was even against selling surplus wheat to the Soviet Union, as they suffered through a drought that had decimated their own supply; JFK told Arthur Schlesinger on 10/11/63. "The vice president thinks that this is the worst foreign policy mistake we have made in this administration."


During the campaign for President Joe Kennedy had told DeWest Hooker that one of the long-term aims of the Kennedy dynasty would be the destruction of what Joe Kennedy referred to as "the Rothschild dominated Federal Reserve." 

John F. Kennedy had already taken steps to get rid of the Federal Reserve, by printing 50 billion dollars in silver certificates, which were interest free. He planned to use this money to pay off the national debt and to free the American people from the control of the Illuminati Banksters. 

If the U.S Government would print its own money interest free like the Constitution says they should be doing, the national debt would be zero, and all taxes could be eliminated. The average American would have twice as much money to live on. If our government would print their own money interest free, like President Andrew Jackson, President Abraham Lincoln, and President John F. Kennedy, have done in the past, the national debt would no longer be an issue, and taxes would be gone, and the average American could have very little, if any debt. History shows President Kennedy was assassinated within a few months of issuing silver backed interest free United States Notes.

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John F. Kennedy said this: "One day after I am long gone, you will remember me and say, we should have stopped the nuclear program of Israel, abolished the Federal Reserve and kicked all secret societies, occultists, usurpers and Zionists out of our wonderful country, to keep it that way, but it is never too late, just remember that."

I think it’s pretty obvious, with all the information that we have today that the Kennedy assassination was a planned conspiracy, and the mechanism of it came out of the allegiance between the Banksters, the Military industrial complex, the CIA, the web of Cuban exiles, and the Mafia. They already had an assassination apparatus set up for killing Castro, they just decided to switch their targets and kill Kennedy instead.”

Upon his death, President Johnson immediately expanded the war in Vietnam and replaced the United States interest free Notes with worthless Federal Reserve Notes. And Two Million Six Hundred thousand American men ended up fighting during the 10 years that our troops were in Vietnam, and 58,000 men died and three times that many were wounded. And the U.S Government spent 570 billion dollars on the War which put our country deeper in debt to the Banks. And more bombs were dropped on Vietnam than all the bombs dropped during World War II, killing millions of innocent civilians in the process.

If President Kennedy had lived and continued printing United States silver certificates interest free, the trillions of dollars in taxes that we are now paying to the Federal Reserve Banksters every years, which is a crown corporation owned by the Bank of England, which is owned by the Bank of Rome, just to pay the interest on the money that our government has borrowed, would have remained in the hands of the American people.

General Eisenhower said in his speech: “Beware of the Military Industrial Complex." When John F. Kennedy threatened to cancel their war with Cuba, and to get all of our soldiers out of Vietnam by 1965, you can bet that he became their number one target. In a speech three weeks before he was murdered, John F. Kennedy asked the American people for their help! Because he knew that he could not beat this secret society of Corporate demons on his own.   

Kennedy had also told some of his close friends that Lyndon Johnson would not be on the ticket as his running mate in the 1964 presidential elections, and this would have destroyed Lyndon Johnson’s chances of ever becoming President. By promising to do all these things, Kennedy literally had signed his own "Death Warrant."


George Bush Sr. at the time was the head of the CIA invasion of Cuba, and he sent three teams of assassins to Miami and from there they drove to Dallas. They had originally planned to kill Kennedy during his visit to Miami on the 18th of November, 4 days earlier, but the plan was discovered by the local FBI, and they decided to change the parade route at the last minute, which foiled their first attempt.

During Nixon's 1960 presidential campaign against Kennedy, he flew to South Vietnam to assure the French government that if they pulled out of Vietnam, the U.S. would step in to protect the drug trade from the Golden Triangle

Kennedy wanted to pull the America advisers out of the Vietnam, and call off the invasion of Cuba. But the huge profits that the CIA and the Mafia were making from their illegal drug trafficking with the Golden Triangle in Vietnam, along with the huge profits to be made from supplying guns, ammunition and supplies to both sides of these conflicts, was not something that the CIA, the Corporate Banksters, and the Military Industrial complex was willing to give up.

Before Castro put an end to the drug trafficking in Cuba, the Mafia was making $100 million dollars a year from gambling, prostitution, drugs, and their luxury Hotels. Cuba was a famous vacation stop for the luxury liners, and they were also smuggling drugs from Havana to Miami and from there trucking them into every city in the United States. But this was only the tip of the iceberg; this did not include all the huge sums of money they were making from their large shipments of drugs to France and to other countries all over the world.

In 1959 Castro’s revolution closed all the casinos and kicked the Mafia out of the country putting a stop to the drug trade between Cuba and Miami, and all of the mobs money and gold that they had storied in the Havana Bank was confiscated. 
Under Castro everything changed. Within 18 months the Hotels were deserted and the casinos were nationalized, and many of the Mafia leaders were in jail.

Several U.S. corporations ended up losing their factories and billions of dollars in farmland, slave labor, and sugar plantations, along with the Mafia’s casinos, hotels, prostitution, and drug trade. 

Before Castro took over the country, the United Fruit Co. which was partially owned by John Dulles, who sat on the board and controlled over 2 million acres that they used for sugar production. And the Bethlehem steel Corporation owned over 80% of Cuba's minerals. They immediately sought help from Vice-President Nixon, and all their political connections in the White house and  CIA, to help them to get rid of Castro.

Nixon began working secretly with George Bush who was one of the heads of the CIA operation, to try to assassinate Castro. His father Prescott Bush owned large Oil, Sugar and Coffee slave labor Plantations, and Rum distilleries in Cuba, which was part of his wife’s (Dorothy Walker's) inheritance from her families West Indies Spice Company. 

It was the Walker side of the family who had initially help fund George Herbert Walker Bush’s Zapata Oil Corporation in 1954. So when the Bush’s and Walker’s had lost a small fortune as a result of Fidel Castro’s nationalization of their Sugar, Oil and Rum Companies, young George was determined to do anything he could to help his family get their fortunes back.

During Nixon’s campaign for President against John F. Kennedy, Nixon promised to authorize the invasion of Cuba to remove Castro from power as soon as he became President. In exchange he received large campaign contributions from Coca Cola, Pepsi, Ford Motor Co., Standard Oil (Prescott Bush) and from the Mafia, casinos, and drug dealers. Now you can begin to see why so many people, the Banksters, CIA, the Mafia, Johnson, Nixon, and the Bush’s wanted the Kennedy’s dead. The billions they were making by keeping these conflicts going in both Cuba and Vietnam, was paramount.


Every rifle when it’s fired has its own distinct sound. The sound recordings of all the bullet’s fired in Dealey Plaza the day President Kennedy was assassinated, prove without a shadow of a doubt that there were three different rifles each firing 2 or 3 shots, from three different directions at the some time. Jackie Kennedy testified before the Warren Commission, that she had crawled onto the back of the car to retrieve a piece of the president’s skull. And that she had put the piece back on his head, and pulled his hair back down over it; and held his head on her lap as they rushed to the hospital. Her testimony was stricken from the Warren report, because it proved without a shadow of a doubt that the fatal shot came from the front, and that there was more than one shooter.


Bobby Harkiss (Motorcycle Policeman riding left rear of JFK said): "When I turned back to look, that's when the President was shot in the face." ...

He also testified that blood and bone fragments splattered all over the back of the car, and landed on his face, uniform and motorcycle.

Two of the Police officers got off of their motorcycles and ran up the hill towards the fence behind the grassy knoll. Officer Baker dismounted his bike and ran between the cars to the grassy knoll. Officer Jackson rode his bike up the grassy knoll. As Dallas police officer Joe Marshal rushed up the grassy knoll he could smell the gunpowder, which he later reported to the Warren Commission. When he encountered a man in the parking lot behind the fence he pulled his pistol and the man quickly showed him his ID, saying that he was a secret service agent. They then spotted two men running across the railroad yard and chased after them, but they lost them.


This picture was taken by Mary Moorman, the woman wearing the black coat, with her still camera about a second after Kennedy was shot in the temple above his right eye. If you look closely you can see the large hole in the back of JFK’s head.

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Tom Willson has spent over 30 years developing his image lighting and layering techniques. His expert scientific and photographic analysis, has been accepted in murder cases as evidence in Federal Court.

In 1988, he began to apply his expertise to the images from the Kennedy Assassination. Using image processing techniques, Tom has uncovered startling evidence hidden within the layers of these pictures; and we are able to see for the first time the deep crater left by the exploding bullet, when it blew out a 5"round and 5"deep hole in the back of President Kennedy's head.

This is absolute proof that President Kennedy was assassinated by someone firing from the front, and that there was a conspiracy. Lee Harvey Oswald did not and could not have fired the fatal shot that killed John F. Kennedy.

JFK Conspiracy? Proof finally revealed!

Click here: https://youtu.be/hfU9tqbA_hY


During the Camelot Interview with Jackie Kennedy a week later, she told a reporter that she wasn’t trying to escape from the car, as people had said. That she had climbed on the back of the car to get a piece of the President's skull.

"And just as I turned and looked at him, I could see a piece of his skull and I remember it was flesh colored. I remember thinking he just looked as if he had a slight headache. And I just remember seeing that. No blood or anything."

" I was trying to hold his hair on. From the front there was nothing --- I suppose there must have been. But from the back you could see, you know, you were trying to hold his hair on, and his skull on."

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The Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, seen in films and photos in Dealey Plaza climbing onto the rear of the limousine, stated in his Warren Commission testimony.

"Between the time I originally grabbed the handhold and until I was up on the car, Mrs. Kennedy--the second noise that I heard had removed a portion of the President's head, and he had slumped noticeably to his left. Mrs. Kennedy had jumped up from the seat and was, it appeared to me, reaching for something coming off the right rear bumper of the car, the right rear tail, when she noticed that I was trying to climb on the car."

 Clint Hill was riding on the sideboard of the follow up car when he heard the first shots. He then ran to jump on to the back of the limousine as the President received the fatal shot to the head, and Jackie was climbing on to the trunk of the car. Clint helped Mrs. Kennedy retrieve a piece of the President’s skull and to climb back into the car. As he did the President’s body fell to the left and into her lap, and Clint could see a big hole in the back of the President’s head and down into his brain, and his eyes were fixed. He pushed Mrs. Kennedy down into the seat, and as he was laying cross both her and JFK’s body, he was peering into a massive, fist-sized hole in the back of the President's head, and gave his colleagues a “thumbs down”, as the limousine went under the Triple Underpass. Mrs. Kennedy tried to hold a piece of the President’s skull and a flap of his hair on to his head as they rushed to the Hospital.

Agent Hill later testified: "The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car."

"Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head."

If the shot had come from the sixth floor of the School book Depository, Mrs. Kennedy would have been trying to retrieve pieces of the President's skull off the front seat of the car instead of the back of the limousine. Part of JFK’s skull that was identified as coming from the back of Kennedy's head, was found in the grass with tiny metal bullet fragments embedded in it, 35 feet to the rear and left of where Kennedy was hit, indicating that the shot came from the right-front. It is not difficult to figure out how a hollow point bullet being fired from the grassy knoll would cause the President's head to explode precisely the way it did.
An argument can be made that JFK was shot in the head by a gunman on the “grassy knoll” due to the fact that his head went backwards. Gov. Connally’s right shoulder is driven backwards against the jump seat. This motion also could have been caused by a bullet from the “grassy knoll.”


The Zapruder film that you see today on the Internet is not the original film. The blob and the blood spray you see coming out of the side of Kennedy’s head was painted in, to create the illusion that the fatal bullet shot came from the rear and exited on the right front side of Kennedy’s head. And the hole in the back of JFK's head was painted over on the 35mm film to cover up the real exit wound. But they missed touching up some of the frames, especially frame 337 where Jackie is looking down into the hole in the President's head, and you can clearly see the back part of Kennedy's skull is missing.

The Zapruder film was shot at 18 frames per second. The image of the blob and blood spray coming out the side of Kennedy’s head instead of the back, was painted on top of the film, and can be seen on only one frame, which is 1/18th of a second long. There should have been at least one second with at least 18 frames of film showing the head blast. It is so obvious that the original Zapruder film WAS altered before it was released to the general public.

Thirty Five Hollywood Film and tape experts were shown frames from the Zapruder Film, and they all unanimously agreed that the blob we see coming out of the side of the Kennedy's head, has been crudely painted in; and the zapruder film being shown to people today, is a badly altered film.  

Rose Mary Willis the little girl who is seen across the street running toward the President’s car said, that she was looking at President Kennedy at the moment he was shot, and a pink hallow of brain matter exploded from the back of his head and went up into the air for a second and then sunk and disappeared which should have been at least 12 to 18 frames; but in the altered Zapruder film you see it for just one frame.

Former senior official at the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center, Dino Brugioni, said that he and his team examined the 8mm Zapruder film of the John F. Kennedy assassination the evening of Saturday 23 November 1963 and into the morning of Sunday 24 November 1963. 

In a 2011 interview with Douglas Horne of the Assassination Record Review Board, Brugioni said the Zapruder film in the National Archives today, and available to the public, has been altered from the version of the film he saw and worked with on November 23–24. 1963.

Dino Brugioni also told Petter Janney in a personal interview in April of 2011. That he recalls seeing a "pink cloud" of brain matter going straight up three or four feet above Kennedy's head, and says that this "spray lasted for more than one frame of the film. The version of the Zapruder film available to the public depicts the fatal head shot on only one frame of the film, frame 313.

Two Yellow Stripes Marked Where the Limo Stop, and the President was Ambushed. 

Frames were cut out of the film to hide the three bullet holes in the Stemmons freeway sign, and the background was cut at the grass line above the curb and blown up to 130%, so that frames could be spliced out, and the film re-timed to hide the fact that the car had come to a complete stop for 2 seconds, between the two yellow stripes which had been painted on the curb, marking the exact location where the president was to be executed in a crossfire.

The yellow stripes had been painted on the street curb to mark the place where everyone was told to start shooting. Each of the assassination teams, most of which had silencers on their rifles, were accompanied by a spotter with binoculars and a walkie-talkie, from which they would receive a command over the radio to fire! They wanted all the sniper teams to fire at the same time, so that they could blame the assassination on one person, whom they chose in this case to be Lee Harvey Oswald, an alleged Communist- defector, as their patsy.
Beverly Oliver known as the "Babushka Lady" was gazing through the lens of her new movie camera taking pictures of the president's car as it passed by, and she accidentally stepped on the yellow stripe on the curb and got yellow paint on her new black shoes, which she still keeps in the bottom of her closet, to this very day.

Orville Nix who took a film from the opposite side of the street, said that his film has been altered by the government; with some of the frames being cut-out, and others damaged.

What they saw Orville Nix

The "Other" Zapruder Film
Click here: https://youtu.be/hSdyqDBTpeo

One of the workers inside the National Archives released a copy of the full Zapruder film which has all the frames which were cut out, and it shows the three bullets passing through the Stemmons Freeway sign, and the limo coming to a complete stop. Several men were firing at the President simultaneously from several directions and some were using silencers on their high power rifles, so that the shots would not be heard.

Those who have seen the real Zapruder film say that it is a much better professional grade film, with much greater color quality. The film starts with the limousine on Houston St. as it approaches the turn on to Elm St. At this point William Greer the driver of the limo had great difficulty maneuvering the 120 degree turn on to Elm St.

When he finally gets control of the car and back into the center lane, it was at this point that the first gunshots were heard, and there was a lot of activity on the right hand side on the curb. The first thing you notice was the guy that they call the umbrella man was furiously pumping his umbrella up and down and there was a lot of movement; he wasn’t just standing still holding an open umbrella as we have been told by other researchers.

Standing next to the umbrella man was an individual that for many years was called the accomplice, and in later years they called him the Cuban because he had a dark complexion and was wearing a cap, and in his jacket you can see that he was carrying a radio device (walky-talky), and he was shaking his fist in the air trying to get the attention of Greer. In fact as the limo approached he was standing in the street, and he was waving his arms and finally signaled the driver with a closed fist. In the Military when someone raises their hand with a  closed fist, it means to stop immediately!

It is quite apparent that when Greer saw the man waving a closed fist; He stopped on a dime right between the two yellow lines; and he stopped with such suddenness that it shook the occupants of the limo, and they were all thrown forward as the limo came to an abrupt stop. This made the president's head go slightly forward, before being thrown violently backwards and to the left, by the fatal shot.

The Orville Nix film of the assassination shows Kennedy's limo slowing down moments before the fatal headshot, contrary to all Secret Service training and protocol the rear tail light can be seen glowing red in the Mary Muchmore film suggesting that the driver William Greer had his foot on the brakes at the moment of the fatal shot.

At the exact moment Greer was hitting the brakes, he turns around and stairs at the president in the face; and then you see JFK’S head explode from a hollow point bullet. At this point Greer turns back around and proceeds to get out of Dealey Plaza.

The Zapruder film clearly indicates that frames were removed to hide the fact that the limo had come to a complete stop. Zapruder’s camera ran at 18.3 frames per second or 54.6 milliseconds between each frame. William Greer the limo driver's head goes from facing straight forward, to turning around in his seat, to look at the President straight in the eyes, when the back of his head is blown off! 

Greer’s head went from facing forward, to turning completely around in his seat, in one frame, 54.6 milliseconds. This is 4X times faster than is humanly possible. This is clear evidence that in this section of the film three out of four frames were spliced out. This is the same thing they did in several other places.

When William Greer turned around, he could see that both President Kennedy and Gov. Connally were wounded, and in deep distress. But Greer saw the man in the street shaking his fist in the air, and he brought the car to a complete stop between two yellow lines painted on the curb. And he doesn't take his foot off the brake, until he sees Kennedy receive the fatal shot to the head, before he floors the accelerator and races out of sight.

Those who once saw the other Zapruder film

Click here: https://youtu.be/UAYynHj9htk


Jackie Kennedy gave her close up, first hand, eyewitness testimony of exactly what she saw happen to her husband that day, to author Arthur Schlesinger. She said:

"On the day Jack was murdered, I happen to be looking at the large green Stemmons freeway sign, as we were passing the grassy knoll."

I saw a chunk of the green wooden sign suddenly shatter outwards and fly towards Jack and me. Then Jack was hit in the throat.

I reached out for him. As I did, he was shot in the right side of his head. Just above his right eye. It was horrible.

I saw the right side of his head fly onto the back of the car. I leaned back and reached for it. I just wanted to put Jack back together. It was just an instinctual response."

"In hindsight, I guess that was the first bullet smashing through the freeway sign that hit Jack in the throat."

I heard 5 shots fired at Jack from behind the freeway sign.
I can still hear those 5 shots in my dreams. All the shots seem to come from behind the freeway sign." ---Jackie Kennedy.

Frame 208 of the Zapruder Film is missing the lower socket hole which is a clear indication that the film was cut and frames removed. They did this to cover up the fact that three bullets hit the sign in rapped secession, most likely by an assassin firing an automatic rifle. 

If the government was going to try to get everyone to believe their official story that there was absolutely no conspiracy, only one crazy communist who was a lone nut assassin. They couldn't let anyone see the bullet holes in the freeway sign, or to listen to Jackie Kennedy's eyewitness testimony of how she heard and saw 5 shots being fired at Jack from behind the freeway sign. And if you can see and hear the Zapruder film with the sound added, you will hear at least 6 shots.

The freeway sign mysteriously disappeared from Dealey Plaza shortly after the assassination, and virtually nothing is known about the circumstances and exact timing of the signs removal.

JFK assassination with sound- at least 6 shots.
Click here: https://youtu.be/zi7ogAzOH1k


Over 30 medical personnel and doctors that worked on JFK that day agree that he had two entrance wounds from the front, and a large exit wound in the rear of JFK’s head. There was a small 5mm (3/8"in) bullet hole in the front neck, just below Kennedy's Adam's-apple when he arrived at the hospital, which they cut to make larger to insert a tub in JFK’ throat to try to get him breathing again.


An entry wound to the throat means that the shoot came from the front. The magic bullet, which supposedly struck the President in the back and went out his throat and hit Connally several times, was at the height of the top of the shoulder and the bullet hole on his back was about 6 inches BELOW the neck wound, and was on a 45-degree angle DOWNWARD. This means that the hole in JFK's back could not have been the entrance wound of the bullet that caused the wound to JFK’s throat, but it was an exit wound. 

Why were the holes in the back of Kennedy's suit jacket and shirt lower than the hole in Kennedy's throat? It is impossible for a bullet coming down from such a steep angle of the sixth floor of the School Book Depository to have entered 6 inches below the shoulder and emerged several inches higher, from the front of JFK’s throat.

There was a lot more blood on the back of JFK's shirt than on the front; which is evidence that the bullet exited from the rear. And the hole in the back of President Kennedy's shirt and suit jacket were much lower than the Warren Commission tried to fool the American people into believing.  

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The autopsy report states:"a second wound occurred in the posterior back at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra."

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The Death Certificate also says that the bullet hole in the President's back was at the level of the third thoracic vertebra, which is 6" lower than the throat. This location coincides with the holes that the bullet made in the President's shirt and suit jacket. The Warren Commission could not have fooled the world into believing that Oswald shot the President from the 6th floor of the School Book Depository with the back wound being 6" below the throat. 

So then the Warren commission had to find a way to hide the true location of the back wound from the American people, and changed it to a neck wound, so they could get everyone to believe their single bullet theory; and that Oswald was the lone assassin. So they simply showed the American people a deceptive artist rendering on Television, of a bullet entering in the back of President Kennedy’s neck and exiting out his throat.

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Later in the afternoon, Dr. Perry spoke about a gunshot wound to the President's throat in a 3:16 PM press conference that was broadcast live from Parkland Hospital: Dr. Malcolm Perry, an attending surgeon, and Dr. Kemp Clark, chief of neurosurgery at Parkland Hospital, gave the details. "Mr. Kennedy was hit by a bullet in the throat, just below the Adam's apple. This wound had the appearance of a bullet's entry."

Reporter: "Which way was the bullet coming on the neck wound? At him?"
Dr. Perry: "It appeared to be coming at him."
Reporter: "Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat."
Dr. Perry: "The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in front of the throat; yes, that is correct."


The medical staff at Parkland was in complete agreement that the wound was frontal. Speaking for the Parkland medical team, Charles Crenshaw, M.D., witnessed "a small opening about the diameter of a pencil at the midline of his throat to be an entry bullet hole. There was no doubt in my mind about the wound. I had seen dozens of them in the the emergency room."

Charles Crenshaw on JFK: 20/20 interview
Click here: https://youtu.be/pPcH1RNMC6M



When Arlen Specter one of the members of the Warren Commission, used a rod to demonstrate the path that the magic single bullet took when it caused all the wounds to both Kennedy and Governor Connally. If you look closely at this picture you will see that the hole in Kennedy’s back marked by a white chalk mark on the jacket, is six inches below the rod. This picture doesn’t confirm Arlen Specter’s single bullet theory, it refutes it.

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When the President arrived at Parkland Hospital Emergency room at approximately 1 o'clock in the afternoon, he barely had a pulse; and was making gasping attempts to breath. They immediately inserted a tube down his throat to help him breath, and the nurses attached an electric cardiac monitor. The first tracings showed good normal cardiac activity, but he barely had any blood pressure, so they immediately gave him a blood transfusion. Four or five minutes later the cardiac monitor flat lined and all the cardiac activity suddenly ceased. They tried for 20 minutes to revive him but with no success. Dr. Malcolm Perry, MD, started close chest massage, pumping on his chest, trying to make him come back and to resuscitate his heart, but eventually Dr. Clark said to Dr. Perry, "Mack you can stop now because he's gone now!" And the President was pronounced dead on arrival.

At 1:30 Malcolm Kilduff, the press spokesman held a news conference, to announce that the President had been killed by a bullet to the head, as he pointed to his right temple to indicate where the bullet had entered. President Kennedy died from a gunshot wound to the brain. "Dr Berkeley told me it's a simple mater Tom, of a bullet right through the head!"

November 22, 1963 - Malcolm Kilduff’s Press Conference, Parkland, Dallas, Texas. Click here: https://youtu.be/p83cbLJdIGE


The cause of "Death Certificate" was filed early that afternoon by Dr. Robert Mc Clelland, before the Federal government could begin to cover up the true facts, with lies and disinformation. Dr. Mc Clelland wrote on the Death Certificate: “The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the left temple.” Looking down at the President’s body the gunshot wound would be on the left side, but it was actually above the right eye, on the President’s right temple.

Uncut Interview - JFK’s Emergency Room Doctor: Dr. Robert Mc Clelland.

Click here: https://youtu.be/lQ435lMaCng

During a press conference healed at 3:15 p.m, Dr Malcolm Perry, MD, who had tried to revive the President by pumping on his heart and performing a tracheotomy inserting a pipe into a small bullet hole in the President’s throat, so he could breath; explained three times during his interview, that this bullet hole was a wound of entry. Yet his first hand testimony and Medical expertise and evidence was completely ignored by the Warren Commission.

Over 30 medical personnel and Doctors from Parkland Hospital in Dallas observed a head wound on President Kennedy in the rear of the head. None of the Treatment reports written at Parkland Hospital on 11/22/63 described any damage to JFK's head on the right side or on top of the skull. The Treatment reports from 11/22/63 described JFK's head wound as "occipital or occipital-parietal," or "posterior." The "occipital bone" is in the middle of the back of your head. An occipital-parietal wound would be in the right rear of your head. None of these Doctors used words to describe wounds to the top of the head, or to the right side. In fact none of them saw any damage to the top of the President's head or to the right side; they only saw damage to the right rear.

Several treatment physicians also described seeing cerebellum tissue extruding from the President's head wound. The cerebellum is a portion of the brain located at the lower back of the skull.

Three pieces of President Kennedy's skull bone were found in Dealey Plaza after the assassination, and were photographed and examined by Dallas pathologist; revealing that they were occipital bone from the rear of JFK's skull. A piece of the Presidents skull was blown 35ft. to the left rear from the point of impact. A big wound in the back of President Kennedy's head would indicate a shot from the front and more than one shorter. Most of the Drs. and nurses that treated the President at Parkland did see a large wound at the rear of the head. 

These findings corroborate the eyewitness testimony of all the people in Dealey Plaza who saw the back of President Kennedy's head blowout; and the first hand eyewitness testimony of all the Parkland Hospital attendants, and Secret Service Agent Clint Hill who said that President Kennedy had a deep hole in the rear of his skull, not on the top of his head, or the right side of his head. 

JFK Assassination hole in back of head 0001.



Bill Newman was with his wife and children standing on the curb waving at the President. When the car was about 50 feet in front of them they heard the first shot, and saw the President jump up in his seat; And as the car passed in front of them they heard another shot come from behind them, from the direction of the grassy knoll, and hit the president in the right side of the temple. William Newman was standing only 10 feet away from the President when he saw him shot in the right temple. 

Standing behind the Newmans on the grassy knoll was a reporter Cheryl McKinnon. She said: "The only thing that I am absolutely sure of today is that at least two of the shots fired that day at Dealey Plaza came from behind where I stood on the knoll, not from the book depository." 

“Puffs of white smoke still hung in the air in small patches.”


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These are some pictures showing Bill Newman and his wife and children standing right across from President Kennedy, when he told Dallas reporters on television that day, that he had seen the President shot in the right temple; and that the shot had come from behind him up on the grassy knoll. Look at the top of the picture you can see Zapruder and his secretary standing on a pedestal taking their famous film, and in the upper left corner of the picture you can see a gunman standing behind the stone wall. The Warren Commission never asked the Newman's to testify.

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When Mr. Zapruder appeared before the Warren Commission, he testified that as soon as the shooting ended, he observed police running up the knoll. “I guess they thought it [the gunfire] came from right behind me.”  When then asked about where the shots came from, Mr. Zapruder stated three times "the shots came from right behind me."

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This is a blown up picture taken from a film shot by Beverly Oliver, showing one of the assassins shooting from behind the white stone wall on the grassy knoll.

Also two men shot from the concrete Pergola building right behind where Mr. Zapruder was standing on a pedestal taking his film.  You can also see how close the bullets came to hitting the Newman family, it was a good thing they fell down on the ground and covered their children.

Right across the street from the Newman family was a yellow stripe on the curb, marking the kill zone where the teams of assassins all agreed to fire at the same time, so they could blame the assassination on one person.

There is evidence that Zapruder was working for the CIA, and that he was also a high ranking thirty second degree Mason recording the assassination for his fellow members at the CIA and the Masons. Everyone's film was confiscated by the FBI, except for Abraham Zapruder because he was working for the CIA, he was allowed to keep his film and sell a copy of it to "Time Life" for 150,000 dollars; But years later they received 16 million dollars for their film.

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The Witnesses: S.M. Holland

Click here: https://youtu.be/IfRivH8G9tY?si=HMc0CoG2KtDlxNaL

Look at the red circled area behind the white wall. There are two gunmen, one dressed in a white shirt standing with a rifle, and another kneeling down with his gun resting on the wall, with a black hooded sweatshirt over his head.

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Officer Bobby Hargis after being hit with blood, brain and skull matter so hard that he thought that he himself had been shot. All of the limousines had come to a complete stop, and Hargis through his motorcycle down in the middle of Elm St, and run between the two limousines and up the grassy knoll with his gun in his hand; to the Pergola building behind the pedestal where Zapruder was taking his film, because he believed that was where the shots came from.

Officer Douglas Jackson jumped the curb and rode his Motorcycle 2/3's the way up the grassy knoll till it fell over at the top of the steps and he jumped off and drew his gun and confronted one of the men behind the fence, who immediately showed him his Secret Service badge. Then they spotted two men running down the railroad tracks and they chased after them, but they lost them.  This story was confirmed by both Lee Bowers, and S.M. Holland, who were Railroad Supervisors, and by Mr. Zapruder.

Police officer Edgar Smith heard 3 shots, that sounded like they were coming from the concrete structure.


A reporter asked Mr. Zapruder, "As you were standing on this abutment facing Elm street, you say the police ran over behind the concrete structure behind you and down the railroad track behind that, is that right? Yes-after the shots, some of them were motorcycle cops- I guess they left their motorcycles running and they were running right behind me, of course in the line of the shooting. I guess they thought it came from right behind me.

Marilyn Sitzman who was standing behind Abraham Zapruder on the concrete pedestal said that there were two black teenagers sitting on a wooden park bench behind the white retaining wall, eating their lunch and drinking soda-pop. A shot was fired and the smoke rose, and she heard a bottle break. Then another shot was fired, the smoke rose, and both of the smoke clouds drifted out into the trees.

Marilyn Sitzman stated, "I have no qualms saying that I'm sure that there was someone behind the fence or in that area up there (near the fence), but I'm just as sure that they had silencers because there was no sound."

Evelyn + Arthur King brother and sister, were sitting on the bench eating lunch, And then she said very fast, quickly somebody ran right in front of her then past her and got next to the corner of the concrete wall. Evelyn said that she didn't know who the guy was but he had a black hoodie on and that his hands were in his front pocket and he appeared to have something in his hands. She said it was a little bit larger than a handgun.

Then a Dallas police officer fired a shot. Evelyn was 15 to 20 feet away, looking at the police officer right in the eye as he fired from the fence line. She said it was a Dallas cop. Before she could hit the grown, another person fired from behind the fence. She was eating her lunch and had a bottle of strawberry Ni-Hi that fell and broke, shattering on the sidewalk. When the shooting stopped, the black couple got up and ran through the Pergola.

Evelyn King said that there was a conversation with a police officer by a young man who was in an Army uniform. And she said this guy came in with a camera and stood at the fence line here, and that was Gordon Arnold.


Gordon Arnold was taking pictures of the Presidential Limousine as it was coming down Elm street towards the triple underpass. Arnold started rolling his film, just as he "felt" the first shot come from behind him only inches over his left shoulder. He said: "I had just gotten out of basic training," "In my mind live ammunition was being fired. It was being fired over my head and I hit the dirt."One shot went past my left ear, and the other went over me." "I thought they were shooting at me."

Arnold said that the first two shots that he heard did not come from the Texas School Book Depository Building because "you wouldn't hear a whiz go over the top of your head like that!" Arnold said the first two shots came from behind the fence, "close enough for me to fall down on my face;" and he stayed there for the duration of the shooting. "Eyewitness" by Ed Hoffman and Ron Friedrich, 1998, JFK Lancer Publications."

The next thing he knew someone was kicking him, and telling him to get up. Arnold said: "It was a policeman, and I told him to go jump in the river. And then this other guy-a policeman came up with a shotgun and he was crying and that thing was waving back and forth. I thought he was a police officer because he had a uniform of a police officer, but he didn't wear a hat, and he had dirty hands. But it didn't really matter much at that time because with him crying like he was, and with him shaking when he had the weapon in his hand, I think I'd have given him almost anything except the camera because that was my mother's.

He kicked me and asked me if I was taking a picture. I told him that I was. I said you can have everything I've got. Just point it someplace else." Arnold took his film from the canister and threw it to the policeman. "It wasn't worth three dollars, and something to be shot for. All I wanted them to do was to take the blooming picture film and get out of there, just let me go. That shotgun and the guy crying over there was enough to un-never me from doing anything." I gave the film to him, and he then went back off in this direction, and I went off in this direction.

Two days later, Arnold was on a plane reporting for duty at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, and he didn't come back to the United States for about eighteen months. He hadn't given his name to the police in Dealey Plaza, and he never told his story to authorities, because he had heard after that there were a lot of people making claims about pictures and stuff and they were dying sort of peculiarly.

The Witnesses: Gordon Arnold ( Full Interview )

CLICK HERE: https://youtu.be/M_XZYWb4E6o?si=wuYHghYE8kwT8p52

There were over 40 witnesses to shots coming from the Grassy Knoll, including Abraham Zapruder who believed that the shots had come from behind him. Many spectators are seen running up the Grassy Knoll in the Robert Hughes film.

Cheryl Mc Kinnon was standing on the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza when she heard "two shots come from behind where I stood on the knoll, not from the book depository." She said: "Puffs of white smoke hung in the air in small patches."

Skinny Holland, a rail-road worker said: "It wasn't as loud as the first two shots. It came from my left, from behind a picket fence and there was a puff of smoke that kind of lingered out under the green tree right out from that picket fence about eight or nine feet off the ground.

Lee Bowers, a railroad tower man, observed two men running from behind the fence. They ran up to a car parked behind the Pergola, opened the trunk and placed something in it and then closed the trunk. The two men then drove the car away, east on the Elm Street extension.

He also observed from his control tower, two other man running down the railroad tracks and then climbing into a box car.  He phoned the police, and they later searched the box cars and found three men dressed as dirty hobos in one of the locked box cars, but two of the men had walkie-talkies in their pockets.


Motorcycle officer Billy J. Martin was dating Jean Hill at the time. Jean Hill, Mary Moorman and the Babushka Lady, were standing on the curb of the south side of Elm St. taking some of the most famous pictures of the assassination. Billy J. Martin said, "I couldn't hear the shots over the noise of my cycle, but I could see what was happening. "When that head shot hit Kennedy, I was sure it was coming from the right front because of the direction the blood flew. It looked to me like at least two people were firing from a forward position and I thought there might be as many as six in all."

Jean Hill said, "I saw a puff of smoke and a figure with a gun behind the wooden fence at the top of the grassy knoll, and I started running that way." Jean was wearing a red coat and was standing with Mary Moorman in the black coat, just a few feet away from Kennedy's limousine, taking pictures of the President when the fatal head shot was fired. After hearing the shots Jean Hill and Mary Moorman fell to the ground, then she got up and ran in the direction of the grassy knoll, because she thought she had seen someone firing a rifle from behind the fence, behind the Pagoda (Pergola).

She ran up behind the Pergola and she was looking all around for the gunman, when a Secret Service man came up to her and showed her some identification and said: "You're coming with me!" And he wanted the pictures in her pocket. And she told him that she could not go with him, because she was trying to catch the gunman, and he grabbed hold of her shoulder by the neck which she said was extremely painful and he said: "You will come with me!" Then she tried to jerk away several times, and another man came up and grabbed her other shoulder, and it was horribly painful and said: "You will walk with me. And said: Smile!"

They took her into custody and took her over to the courthouse building, and took her up to a room on the third floor, where there were two men sitting at a table at a window that overlooked the whole scene. And they had seen where she had been standing and they asked her some strange questions, like "What did you think when the bullet hit at your feet? And she told them that she didn't see a bullet hit at her feet. And they kept asking her how many shots did she hear? And she said 4 to 6, and they told her "No there were only three." They keep her there until 10 PM. and then released her.

Jean Hill Eyewitness to Kennedy Assassination 

Click here: https://youtu.be/-GRySJpNCJA?si=kJQjmlgVGcZ6AC_7

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If you look at this next picture, you can see Jean Hill in the Red coat and the Babushka lady in the tan coat with a white scarf on her head, running right behind her! When Beverly Oliver, the Babushka lady got to the top of the steps she saw Roscoe White on the grassy knoll, he was just to the right of the steps. She could not tell where he was coming from, but she assumed he was just over there to talk to people. She certainly recognized him, and they made eye contact, and she was sure he recognized her as well.

Roscoe White was the husband of Geneva White who worked in Jack Ruby's nightclub. Roscoe White was a CIA undercover agent and had been hired shortly before the assassination, by the Dallas Police Department as a clerk-photographer in October, 1963, and was in training to become a police officer, which he did a year or so later. However, when Beverly saw him, he was wearing a policeman's uniform (which he had no right to wear, not being a police officer yet,) he had no policeman's hat, nor a gun and holster which all the officer's wear.

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The 29 year old Ricky White, said that his Father was part of a CIA plot to kill the President. Roscoe White was a CIA operative working as a Dallas Police officer; and the Dallas Police department did verify that Roscoe White was employed by them at the time. Ricky White had found a diary that had belonged to his father in a foot locker in his grandfather's house, when his grandfather died. The notes inside the diary detailed Roscoe White's involvement in the assassination, and that he had plotted with Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby to kill the President.

The diary also indicated that Ricki White's mother Geneva White had worked for the Dallas NightClub owner Jack Ruby, and that Mrs White had overheard her husband and Jack Ruby discussing the assassination plot.

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The diary indicated that Oswald was part of the plot, but he did not fire any of the shots. Ricky White told reporters that his father had set up on the Grassy Knoll behind a big tree and a picket fence. Other CIA operatives set up on top of the County Records building and the sixth floor of the School Book Depository.  

The diary also states that Roscoe White and Oswald had plans to escape together after the assassination and go to Red Bird Airport in south Dallas. Their diver was J.D. Tippit, who did not know anything concerning the plot. While driving the two in south Dallas, Tippit heard radio reports of the assassination and suspected that his two passengers were involved. Oswald became agitated and jumped out of the car, White got out of the car and shot Tippit with a pistol when Tippit told him he would have to take White downtown for questioning. Ricky White says that the diary (which he claims was taken by the FBI) states: "I killed an officer at Tenth and Patton." 


Lee Bowers watched the assassination of JFK from a railroad tower about 300 yards away with 8 powered binoculars, He told the warren commission HE HEARD THREE SHOTS THAT CAME FROM THE TREES ON THE GRASS KNOLL.


Those who have been fooled into believing that Oswald was the lone nut assassin, have received what I would describe as a frontal lobotomy. They have been so thoroughly brainwashed with government propaganda and mainstream media lies, that as God prophesied in the Bible, their brains have been seared “fried” as with a hot branding iron. 

But if you will take the time to look at the facts and watch the Zapruder film more closely, you can clearly see that Governor Connally was not hit with the same bullet that struck President Kennedy in the throat. He immediately turned around to look at the President when he heard the first shot, but Kennedy had slid over in the set towards Jackie to try to get her attention, because he couldn’t talk. Then as Governor Connally was turning around to look over his left shoulder, he was struck in the back with a second bullet. So that is two bullets with another one missing and hitting the curb and one hitting Kennedy in the head; So there had to be at least 2 shooters, or even more, because it is impossible for one person to fire and reload a bolt action rifle that quickly!

Nellie Connally, who was sitting next to her husband in the presidential limousine, always maintained that two bullets struck John F. Kennedy and a third hit her husband. “The first sound, the first shot, I heard, and turned and looked right into the President’s face. He was clutching his throat, and just slumped down. He Just had a look of nothingness on his face. He didn’t say anything. But that was the first shot. The second shot that hit John - well, of course, I could see him covered with blood, and his reaction to a second shot. The third shot, even though I didn’t see the President, I felt the matter all over me, and I could see it all over the car.”

John Connally agreed with his wife: “Beyond any question, and I’ll never change my opinion, the first bullet did not hit me. The second bullet did hit me. The third bullet did not hit me.” As the Warren Commission concluded there also was a bullet that missed the car entirely. Governor Connally also testified that he heard Jackie say, “I have a piece of his brain in my hand.” Some conspiracy theorists argue that if three bullets struck the men, as the Connally's insisted, and the first shot missed ricocheting off the curb and hitting a man in the side of his face; then there must have been a second gunman, because no one person could have fired four rounds from Oswald’s bolt-action rifle so quickly.

John Connally later revealed in 1982 when asked if he was convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed John F. Kennedy. "Absolutely not," Connally said." I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission." Thompson asked why he had not spoken out about this. Connally replied:"Because I love this country and we needed closure at the time. I will never speak out publicly about what I believe."

If you look at the Zapruder film closely frame by frame, you will see that the President is starting to bring his hands to his throat just before the car disappears behind the Stemmons freeway sign; and when the car appears on the other side, He is pulling his tie out of the way with his left hand and puts his right hand over his mouth and tries to cough up the bullet.

Was JFK Trying To Cough Up A Bullet?

Click here: https://youtu.be/VpFHYwot6bk

You can see Governor Connally in this next picture sitting calmly holding his white cowboy hat on his lap in his right hand. Many Americans have been fooled into believing the Warren Commission's single bullet theory, which claims that Gov. Connally was hit by the same bullet that hit JFK in the throat.  If that were true, Gov. Connally would not still be holding his hat in his right hand, with a wrist that had been shattered into 7 pieces.

It's at this moment a second or two later that Governor Connally starts to turn around to look at JFK after he heard the first shot, and then as he is turning back so he can look the other way, he is hit with a second bullet 4.1 seconds later, that misses Kennedy and hits Connally in his back, collapsing his lung, shattering one of his ribs, and his right rest into seven pieces, and down into his left thigh. And then Governor Connally cries out: "My God they're going to kill us all! 

You can clearly see that President Kennedy and Governor Connally were not hit at the same time, by the same bullet.

This was the view from the 6th floor window when the first shot was fired. The Warren Commission was fully aware of the fact that Oswald would have had to fire blindly through the trees at a moving target, to hit the President in the throat with the first bullet. But they hid this fact from the American people. Commission exhibit 857.

President Kennedy's limo was under a tree when the first gunshot rang out. You can see there 
was no clear shot from the 6th floor window of the School Book Depository.

You can see the bullet hole in the front windshield, Kennedy pulling his tie to the side, and Governor Connally and the motorcycle policeman turning around to look at the President, when they heard the first shot.

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The Secret Service made sure that no authority in Dallas had the opportunity to examine the bullet damage to Kennedy's car. Secret Service agents started to clean the blood off the back of the President's limousine before they installed the convertible top on the car, outside Parkland Hospital. Everyone knows that you never clean up a crime scene until after all the pictures, samples, investigations, documentation has been completed. The Secret Service literally tried to cover up and destroy any evidence that there was more than one shooter.

The fact that there was a bullet hole in the chrome between the two sun-visors, and a bullet hole through the front windshield, and in the back seat, is indisputable proof that this truly was a conspiracy to murder the president; with a hale storm of bullets being fired from all directions, from the front, back and sides, with more than likely several professional assassins being given orders to kill the President with a head shot. 

Had not the Secret Service and the FBI taken over the crime scene so quickly, and immediately taking away the car so they could cover up all the evidence. It would have been easy to determine from all the different bullet, glass, blood, and brain fragments, the number of assassins, direction of fire, and the type of guns and bullets used.

The Zapruder film shows that the shot that hit JFK in the throat happened while the Presidential limousine was behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. As the limousine emerges from behind the sign you can see that both hands of the President were obviously reacting to the shot he received in his throat. 

You can also see the bullet hole in the windshield, and the bullet hole left in the back seat behind the President after it went through his throat and out the back of his suit jacket.

In this blow up picture of Zapruder frame z268, you can actually see the damage caused by a bullet that came through the front windshield, hit the President in the throat, exiting out his back, leaving a small bullet hole tear in the backseat.

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You can also see that when Governor Connally heard the shot, he turned all the way around in his seat so he could see the President, and he was still holding on to his white Stetson cowboy hat in his right hand. This is absolute proof that Connally was not hit by the same bullet that hit the President in the throat, but by a second shot fired a second or two later, that collapses his right lung, shatters one of his ribs and his right rest, and lodges in his right thigh.

There must have been at least two or three shooters, because Oswald could not have reloaded his cheap $19.95 bolt action rifle so quickly. 

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This next picture shows that when the bullet went through the windshield and hit JFK in the throat, it had a very little downward angle, and it was almost a straight on level shot. A sniper firing from the front of the car from the overpass would of had a straight on flat target to shoot at. 
The reason the sniper hit the President in the throat instead of his face is because the bullet must have deflected a little when it went through the curved windshield.

In the new JFK files that were just recently released it says: The "Surgeon General report" on the assassination states that the first bullet entered the President's throat below the adam's apple clearly showing that two persons were involved with the first shot being fired from the bridge across the parkway in front of the car. To further substantiate this, there was a bullet hole in the wind shield of the President's car.

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The official version of the story is that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone nut assassin, who fired three shots at the President from his sniper's nest in the sixth floor window of the School Book Depository. But the doctors and nurses at Parkland Hospital say that the President was shot from the front. So if Oswald shot from behind at the President, he must have missed, or hit Connally instead.

Dr. Robert McClelland's drawing claims President Kennedy was shot twice from the front while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in 1963.

The surgeon noted two different entrance wounds-one low in the neck and one at his hairline-which crucially came from different directions, suggesting there were two separate shooters firing from the front.

He noted that the horrific fatal wound to the back of the President’s head was from a bullet exiting the skull rather than entering it.

Dr. McClelland’s sketch, which he signed, shows a large four to five inch diameter exit wound at the back of JFK’s head.

Dr. Charles Crenshaw was also in the Emergency room when Kennedy was brought in. He examined the President and saw the wounds up close, and based on his expert experience, he challenged the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin.

In 1963 Dr. Crenshaw was a 3 year Resident at Parkland Hospital in Dallas assigned to the trauma team, where he had observed hundreds of gunshot wounds. He said that the President was shot twice from the front, meaning that there had to be at least one and possibly two more gunmen. When asked if he believes that? He responded “I’ll alway believe that, because of the wounds I observed at Parkland Hospital.

The first wound was in the throat, right above the necktie. It was a small opening 3 to 5 mm., about the size of your little finger. But after the government’s autopsy there was a 3” gaping wound in the President’s throat. Dr. Crenshaw claimed that someone tampered with the wound after he last saw Kennedy’s body, making it larger resembling a bullets exit wound.

The fatal shot struck the President in the right temple, and made a large hole in the back right side of his head, the size of your fist.

After the assassination, the presidential limousine was flown back to Washington DC. where it was examined by the FBI. On Saturday they flew the limousine to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, and on Sunday they drove the car to the Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn Michigan.

By early Monday morning Nov 25, 1963, only three days after the assassination, they had taken the damaged windshield out of the car and were using it as a template to make a new one, because the car was a custom built car, which required the lamination of a specially built windshield.

The manager at the glass fabrication plant, who had worked in the glass industry for 40 years and had seen all kinds of testing on glass; was 100% positive that the windshield had a bullet hole in it, coming from the front to the back. He said: "It was a good clean bullet hole right through from the front, and you can tell when a bullet hits a windshield the back chips out and the front has a small round hole in it."

The car had been taken to the B building where they had a repair garage; And the Limo had its interior stripped out of it, the seats, carpeting, side panels, trim, everything was gone, down to the metal. And they restored the whole interior of the car, destroying all the physical evidence that there had been several bullets that had hit the car.

The FBI released a report the day after the assassination on November 23 signed by J. Edgar Hoover. And one of the things in the report was glass fragments taken from the inside surface of the windshield. They told everyone that Oswald was the lone gunman who shot at President Kennedy from behind, but the fact that they scraped glass fragments from the inside surface of the windshield, is proof that the bullet came from the front to the rear of the car. Which means there was more than one shooter. 


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This picture shows us 4 very important things. (1) The hole in the windshield and Kennedy pulling his tie to the left. (2), Lee Harvey Oswald standing in the doorway of the School Book Depository. (3), a shooter in the second floor of the Dal-Tex building. (4), and LBJ is already ducking down on the floor of the third car, 30 seconds before the first shot.

In the interview notes taken by Captain Will Fritz, the homicide detective who interrogated Oswald, it shows that Lee Harvey Oswald claimed to have been outside eating his lunch with Bill Shelly the assistant manager, in front of the Texas School Book Depository during the assassination.

When questioned about his notes from Oswald's interrogation Captain Will Fritz lied and said that he never took any notes; but in 1997 the (ARRB) The "Assassination Record Review Board," published Will Fritz's notes. So Fritz had been lying and the government kept his notes covered up for 34 years.

Both Oswald and Lovelady were on the front steps eating their lunch.

Police evidence proves that both Lee Harvey Oswald and Billy Lovelady were standing on the front steps eating their lunch when Kennedy's limo drove pass. Both identified Bill Shelley as standing on the steps with them.

Mr. BALL - Who was with you?
Mr. LOVELADY - Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton, and right behind me...
Mr. BALL - What was that last name?
Mr. LOVELADY - Stanton.
Mr. BALL - What is the first name?
Mr. LOVELADY - Bill Shelley.
Mr. BALL - And Stanton's first name?
Mr. LOVELADY - Miss Sarah Stanton.
Mr. BALL - Did you stay on the steps
Mr. BALL - Were you there when the President's motorcade went by
Mr. LOVELADY - Right.
Mr. BALL - Did you hear anything?
Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir; sure did.

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It would be physically impossible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have fired ANY of the shots from the six floor window, let alone the fatal shot, if he was standing in the doorway while the assassination took place. He could not have been in Two Places at the Same Time.

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There is a good probability that the man standing in the doorway was Lee Harvey Oswald; because Lee had an established air-tight alibi, as to where he said he was at the time when President John F. Kennedy's limousine drove past the Schoolbook Depository.

As the first shot rang out, Associated Press photographer James Altgens snapped a picture of the motorcade that shows a man with a remarkable resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald-- standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository Building. James William Altgens was an photojournalist and field reporter for the Associated Press in Dallas Texas who became famous and well known for his excellent photographic work during the Assassination of United States President John F, Kennedy. He also took the picture showing the First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy climbing on the rear of the presidential limousine and Secret Service agent Clint Hill on its bumper, which was show on the front pages of newspapers around the world. Within days, Altgen's door man photograph became so controversial after people began to question whether the accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was visible in the main doorway of the Texas School Book Depository as the gunshots were fired at JFK.  

As soon as Lke Altgens photograph was published nationwide and around the world, many people noticed the man standing in the entrance of the Texas School Book Depository Building resembled the accused assassin, Lee Oswald. This evidence if presented in court would obviously lead to a verdict "Not Guilty." This picture along with Oswald's testimony to police as to were he was during the assassination, was the perfect alibi proving Oswald's innocence.  How would Oswald know to tell the police that he was standing on the front steps with his boss Bill Shelly eating his lunch, if it were not true?

Ten days after Kennedy was assassinated, the Associated Press in Dallas reported in their newspaper that the first photograph Altgens made along Elm Street had captured the attention of many, who noticed that one of the men standing in the main doorway to the Book Depository appeared to resemble the accused killer Lee Harvey Oswald.

The Warren Commission then quickly claimed that this man was Billy Nolan Lovelady, an employee of the Depository, but he looked nothing like Oswald. It could NOT have been him, because Lovelady was short and chubby and had a large bold spot on the top of his head which would have been visible every time he turn his head to the right, or to the left.


After 52 years of silence, Roy Edward Lewis, a 69 year old eyewitness of the JFK assassination, and a former employee of the Texas Schoolbook Depository; finally got a chance to tell his story to the American people on a radio show called the “Real Deal,” hosted by James H Fetzer.

No one had ever taken the time to interview Roy Lewis, to ask him about what he had seen and heard while standing on the front steps of the Texas Schoolbook Depository, when President John F. Kennedy’s limousine passed by, on Nov 22, 1963.

Roy had never been asked to testify, nor had he read the Warren Report or any of the information contained in the 26 volumes of exhibits and hearings. He never read any books about the Kennedy Assassination, nor was he interested in the aftermath of the assassination of President Kennedy.

Nor had Roy ever been shown enlarged pictures of himself standing on the front steps of the School Book Depository. When shown these blown up pictures, he identified himself as being the Afro-American man standing on the first step, and though he could not remember if Lee Harvey Oswald was standing behind him; immediately when he saw the picture he confirmed positively: “that it looks like him!” 

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When Roy Lewis was asked if he thought that it could have been Billy Lovelady standing behind him instead of Oswald? Roy Lewis said that he knew Billy Lovelady very well, and he had even purchased a car from him; and that Lovelady was heavier, shorter, and he was almost completely bold. Roy said that he couldn't understand why or how anyone could confuse Billy Lovelady for Lee Oswald, these two guys don't even look alike.

Bill Lovelady was working on the 6th floor. He was a member of the floor laying crew. A little before 12 Lovelady got on the elevator together with with Bonnie Ray Williams, when he heard Oswald shout to the others in the elevator, to hold the elevator, because he also wanted to go down for lunch.

Lovelady said he got his lunch, went outside and sat on the steps and ate his lunch.

Bill Lovelady was standing on the steps watching the President's motorcade driving down Elm street, when he heard three shots, and he said: "They came from the railways." Shortly after he looked back and saw Roy Truly running into the building together with an officer.

First, notice how Oswald's wares his shirt buttoned at the waist, but sprawled open in a "V" shape up to the neck, over a white tie shirt, and Lovelady's shirt is buttoned up. These video pictures of Lovelady were taken a few minutes after the assassination, when Lovelady was still standing on the front steps essentially in the same place- outside the TSBD. Are we to assume that Lovelady for some reason decided to button up his shirt immediate after the assassination?

Second, doesn't this man on the right, look a little bit stockier than Oswald (Doorman)? You can see just like Roy Lewis said: "that these two guys don't even look alike." Lovelady is much shorter, heavier, and balder than Oswald. 

These are two pictures of Oswald being led past Lovelady at the police station on Nov. 22nd.

For over 60 years, the CIA and the mainstream media have been deceiving the American people into believing that it was Billy Lovelady was standing on the front steps of the Schoolbook Depository, and not Lee Harvey Oswald. Anytime they show pictures of Oswald who was 5'9" standing next to Lovelady who was 5'2", they always try to portray them as being almost twins, the same height, the same shirt, and the same build, which is a total lie. 

Billy Lovelady's head was balder, larger, and his face pudgier, longer, wider, and his chin was rounder, and his nose was bigger and more bulbous, also the head shape and ear location on both men was different.


When the shooting began, motorcycle policeman Marrion Baker had just made a right turn from Main Street to Houston.


Baker recognized the firecracker explosions as gunfire and could see a flock of pigeons fluttering above two buildings further up ahead. 

Baker immediately decided to head for the School Book Depository. He rode his motorcycle 180 to 269 feet, parked the motorcycle, and ran 45 feet into the Texas School Book Depository Building.

Motorcycle officer Marion Baker parked his bike in front of the Texas School Book Depository, and ran straight into the front entrance. The first person he meets is Roy Truly the building manager; Truly immediately starts to escort officer Baker through the building to the elevator; but the elevator was stuck on one of the upper floors. So they ran up the stairs to the second floor, and the first person they saw in the lunchroom was Lee Harvey Oswald, which they estimated to be about 90 sec's after the last shot. And Lee Oswald was sitting at the table drinking a Coke and eating his lunch.

Both Officer Marrion Baker and Roy Truly, the building Manager, testified before the Warren Commission that they had seen Lee Harvey Oswald in the 2nd floor employee lunch room drinking a Coke, less that 2 minutes after the final shot.

When officer Baker saw Oswald, he immediately shoved his pistol in his belly and asked Truly whether Oswald belonged in the building or not, and he confirmed that Oswald was one of his employees. They then both quickly turned around and continued to run up the stairs to the upper floors.

The fact that Lee Oswald was in the lunchroom drinking a coca-cola was also confirmed by one of the secretaries on the second floor named Geraldine Reed, that Oswald had asked her for change of a dollar so he could buy a coke.

All three of these witnesses said that Oswald seemed calm, and was not out of breath, as he surely would have been had he ran across the building, hid the rifle, and jumped down four flights of stairs.

The fact that Oswald had three solid witnesses, one of which was a police officer who saw him in the 2nd floor lunchroom 90 sec's after the final shot; posed an extreme problem for the Warren Commission's lone gunmen case.

After all, if Oswald was on the 6th floor firing a rifle, did he really have enough time to hide the rifle between several rows of book boxes on the other side of the warehouse, and then rush down 4 flights of stairs, and then ask one of the secretaries in the office across the hall from the lunch room for change of a dollar; then buy a soda; and calmly sit down at a table and act as if nothing happened.

The Warren Commission determined that he did! Just like he fired the magic bullet causing several wounds in both Kennedy and Connally at the same time, making three kill shots in six seconds, at a moving target, through the trees, with a cheap Italian $19.95 bolt action rifle that had a broken gun site.

One very important fact that came out early after Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested, is that Oswald tested negative when given a paraffin test on his hands and cheeks, which means he hadn't fired a handgun or rifle. A paraffin test was administered to Oswald by Dallas police, shortly after he was apprehended on Friday; one hour after the assassination. The test showed that Oswald had NO gunpowder on either his hands or cheeks. And no nitrates on his face. This establish the fact that Oswald had not recently fired a gun. 

Whenever someone fires a Mannlicker-Carcano rifle, similar to the one found on the sixth floor of the School Book Depository, there is always gunpowder residue from the bullet casing on the cheek of the individual that fired the rifle. We know this for a fact because all of the FBI marksmen that tested the very same Mannlicher-Carcano rifle tested positive for gunpowder residue on the cheek, when given a paraffin test.

The day after the assassination November 23 1963, the FBI released a report signed by Jay Eggar Hoover admitting that they did not have any fingerprints on either of the two weapons that Oswald supposedly used to kill President Kennedy and officer Tippit. 

And the bullet casings found at the Tippit murder scene did not match Oswald's pistol. Also while performing an autopsy on J.D. Tippit they removed two .38 revolver bullets and two .38 automatic bullets from Tippit's body, which did not fit Oswald's gun.


On November 25, 1966, LIFE magazine published an issue titled “A MATTER OF REASONABLE DOUBT,” Where they raised the question of whether Oswald was the lone assassin or not. 

Governor Connally had testified before the Warren Commission claiming that He was not hit by the same bullet that struck the President in the throat. To resolve this controversy Life magazine developed enlarged pictures frame by frame of the Zapruder film, and gave them to Governor Connally; so he could examine the pictures in great detail with a magnifying glass, and identify the exact moment when he was hit. 

The frame he selected was 1.3 seconds after Kennedy according to The Warren Commission had been hit in the throat. Oswald could not have had time in 1.3 seconds to fire at both Kennedy and Connally. There must have been a second assassin.

The Zapruder film seems to bear out what Governor Connally and his wife had said, and raises a REASONABLE DOUBT, whether Oswald was the lone assassin or not? 

To Governor Connally one of the most important details is he remembers hearing the first shot that hit the President before he felt the bullet that hit him. Bullets, he reminded the Warren Commission, travel faster than sound, and therefore the shot he heard could not have been the shot he felt!

When the Warren Commission learned that it would require at least 2.3 sec. Between shots for Oswald to have fired twice, they tried to place Kennedy’s throat wound as far back as frame 192 in Zapruder’s film before the President’s Limousine vanished behind the highway sign. But efforts to blame Oswald for firing the first shot that hit the President in the throat became nearly impossible to prove. 

The Warren Commission discovered that at frame 192, and for some time before and after, the assassin’s line of vision from the Texas School Book Depository building was blocked by the leaves and branches of a large oak tree. It is very unlikely that Oswald would have fired blindly through the trees when he had a clear shot at the President’s car coming down the road on Houston St. and when the limousine came nearly to a stop to make the sharp turn down in front of him, onto Elm St.

There was only 1.3 seconds between when the President was hit in the throat and when Gov. Connally claimed he was hit by the second bullet. There was not enough time for Oswald to reload, aim, and fire twice through the trees at a moving car, with a cheap bolt action rifle. This is why the Warren Commission was left with no other choice but to try to convince everyone that a single bullet had hit both men. Having eliminated all the other possibilities and alternatives, the Warren Commission had to try to get everyone to believe their lone nut assassin, and single-bullet theory.

But if you look at the enlarged photographs from the Zapruder film closely, you can see that when the President is pulling his tie out of the way with his left hand, and trying to cough up the bullet into his right. You will notice that Gov. Connally is still sitting calmly in his seat looking forward, holding his white cowboy hat in his right hand. And when Gov. Connally hears the first shot, he turns all the way around to his right to look back at the President, but he doesn’t see him because the President had slid over in the seat towards Jackie, trying to get her attention. And as Gov. Connally is turning around to look the opposite way, a bullet slams into his back, collapsing one of his lungs, shattering 4 inches of his 5th rib, smashing his right wrist into seven pieces, and embedding into his left thigh. 


When Kennedy’s limo made the left hand turn from Houston onto Elm St. the road bends to the left and goes downhill under the bridge, which means that a shooter firing from the corner of the Rail-Road bridge overpass would have almost a level straight on shot at the President; not like Oswald’s shot through the trees. This shooter was most likely aiming for the President’s head, but missed when the bullet went through the windshield and hit the President in the throat by mistake.

This photo proves that there was gun smoke coming from underneath the trees behind the fence at the corner of the bridge.

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Several people along with one of the motorcycle policemen ran up to the corner of the bridge right after the assassination, because they had seen a cloud of smoke, and believed that one of the shooters had fired from that location.

Some people believe that the reason the motorcycle cop didn't see anyone when he climbed up on the wall, is because the shooter had disappeared down into the sewer tunnel system.


Unlike all the other bullets fired at the presidential limousine that day, the bullet that killed President Kennedy was a hollow point shell designed to explode upon entry, making a small 3/8" entrance wound and a large 5" diameter exit wound. X-rays of President Kennedy's skull show a literal snowstorm of tiny bullet fragments, over 40 in fact. Ballistics expert Howard Donahue has pointed out that it is highly unlikely that the fragments seen in the x-rays could have come from the kind of ammunition allegedly used by Oswald.

The bullet that struck Kennedy in the head did not behave like the other bullets fired from the Carcano. When tests were made to simulate the President's head shot with a Carcano rifle, using a full metal-jacket bullet, the bullet did not break up into fragments, but punched a narrow channel through the brain, and the wounds were in no way the same as the damage done to the President's brain.

As Dr. Cyril Wecht describes, President Kennedy’s Parkland Hospital X-rays show that the bullet essentially disintegrated on impacting the right temple, leaving dust-like fragments at the entry point and the larger particles are found closer to the exit. This is because the larger fragments, having greater mass, have greater momentum and are carried further away from the point of entry. This is precisely what is seen in JFK's right lateral X-ray, with the smaller particles located at the right temple and the larger ones towards the top back part of the skull. "This proves that the bullet fired came from an area in front of the President and was most likely some kind of “soft lead” (hollow point bullet) rather than the kind of bullet that was allegedly fired from behind by Oswald.

Do you remember when Kennedy said that he was going to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds?" Well, that is pretty much what happened when their bullet blew his brains out the back of his head, and scattered them to the winds.

Though they will never tell you this, bullets were fired from the direction of the grassy knoll that missed the President and hit the grass and curb on the other side of the street.

The first bullet fired from the Schoolbook Depository missed and ricocheted off the curb, and a fragment of the bullet hit a bystander standing near the underpass in the face. James Tague was standing at the Triple Underpass, when the shooting started, and a bullet hit the curb and he felt a sting in his cheek when he was hit by either a piece of concrete or a bullet fragment.

And a Shot came from the direction of the Triple Underpass area that went through the front windshield, and there were shots that came from the rear that hit the front seat, the dashboard, and the chrome molding above the windshield between the two sun visors. The theory that there was one magic bullet, and one craze murderer, is the biggest lie ever perpetrated upon the American people.

If Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin sitting in the sixth floor window of the School Book Depository, he would have taken his shot at the President as he was coming straight toward him down Houston Street, or as he was turning right below him on the corner of Elm Street. The motorcade had to make a very difficult 120 degree turn coming to almost a complete stop as it turned onto Elm Street. This would have been the ideal spot for an assassin located at the southeast corner window of the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository to shoot the president. He would not have had to lead him like a duck flying past the trees; he could have taken a straight on headshot at the president for a whole block on Houston St.

On the night of the assassination when President Lyndon Johnson got back to the White House at 11:40 in the evening; the first call he made was to J. Edgar Hoover the head of the FBI.

J. Edgar Hoover tells LBJ that all shots were fired by Oswald from the sixth floor of the Book Depository. Lindon Johnson cuts him off and says: "Were any of those shots aimed at me?" How in the hell would Johnson expect Hoover to know that? And Hoover says no sir!

Then Lyndon Johnson says: " I wonder why he didn't shoot ... And Hoover cuts him off and says: "Well he didn't shoot at the president until he made the turn on Elm Street." Johnson asked: Why do you think he waited? Hoover says: "Well it's my understanding is that there were some trees blocking his view of the president before the limo turned on Elm Street."

Hoover was lying! There were no trees blocking Oswald's view of the President on Houston Street until the limo turned on Elm Street.  

If Oswald would have waited a few seconds later when the car was driving down Elm street, his line of sight would have been blocked by the oak trees, and the two water pipes on the left side of the window which would have made it difficult for a sniper to get his body and gun into possession, to fire the first shot at a moving target as the limo was driving pass the trees down the street.

If you were a right-handed shooter which Oswald was, you would soon realize that you can't even make the angle of the shot from this window without your body hitting the pipes.

Snipers are trained to avoid having to poke their rifle out the window, it is better to be as far back into a dimly lit room as practical. However the further back in the room the more your traverse angle is limited by the window casement — at the extreme you are shooting through a “peep hole”.

The heat pipes running down along the casement of the sixth floor depository window, makes it extremely difficult for a right handed shooter to make three kill shots at a moving target. Any marksman who has actually stood in this window and tried to sight in the first shot fired, will suddenly realize how difficult that would be, without hanging almost out the window with the gun.


The turn onto Elm Street would have been a much easier shot. But the sniper for some reason waited until the car passed under the trees and was almost at the Stemmons freeway sign before firing; Why? Because this was the point where all the snipers had agreed to start shooting at the same time, killing the President in an ambush; firing from the fire escape of the Dal-Tex Building, the sixth floor and second floor windows of the School Book Depository, two gunman from behind the picket fence, one from the street sewer, and one from the overpass. 

If silencers were used on some of the rifles, in combination with un-silenced rifles, there could have been several shots fired at the president that no one ever heard; and witnesses in different locations of Dealey Plaza, would have claimed that they heard or saw the shots coming from different locations; "And unanimity would have been impossible on the subject of the gunfire's origin." Jim Hougan, Spooks (New York: William Morrow and Company, 1978.)

JFK (217) Movie Clip-Crossfire in Daley Plaza (1991) HD

Click here: https://youtu.be/2gaEkPaykJo?si=mH8UZrn9RCNijNBV

A shot was fired from the 2nd story of the Dal Tex building right behind Kennedy, and the bullet missed the President and hit the frame above the windshield, between the two sun visors. The shooter in the Dal Tex Building must have used a silencer, therefore the shot was not heard by any of the spectators, but there is no mistaking what caused the damage to the car. Afterwards part of a bullet was found in the front seat and another part on the floor in front of the front seat. These bullet holes in the car are proof that there was more than one shooter.


The key finding of the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that President John F. Kennedy's murder in Dallas in 1963 was probably the result of a conspiracy.

A shot from the grassy knoll meant that two gunmen must have fired at the president within a split-second sequence. Lee Oswald, accused of firing three shots at Kennedy from a perch at the Texas School Book Depository, could not have been in two places at once.

D.B. Tomas, a government scientist and JFK assassination researcher, said it was more than 96 percent certain that there was a shot from the grassy knoll to the right of the president's limousine, in addition to the three shots from the book depository window above and behind the president's limousine.


Beverly Oliver known as the “Babushka Lady,” was a 17 year old singer at the Colony Club next door to Jack Ruby’s Carousel club, and she was standing close to Mary Moorman and Jean Hill taking pictures of the President’s car with her movie camera as it passed by. And she took a movie of what she describes as a whole bucket of blood coming out of the back of the president's head, and Jackie crawling onto the trunk of the car to retrieve a piece of the president's skull.

Everybody hit the ground except for Beverly seen on the left in a tan coat with a scarf on her head. She said she was so shocked she could not move. She claims that many of the people including those who were directly under the 6th floor window, and across the street from the School book depository, started to run toward the grassy knoll. If they heard the gunshots coming from the 6th floor window of the School book depository, why would they be running toward the grassy knoll?

Notice that you can see the two yellow stripes on the curb where President Kennedy was murdered, and where the police and people were running up the hill to try to catch the assassins.

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When Beverly finally came out of her shock, she ran across the street and stood around for a while because she was expecting that the police would want to talk to her. But then she saw some people that she knew from Jack Ruby’s Club and at that point she decided to leave.

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On the way home she was crying so hard she had to pull off the road, and when she finally made it home, she went up into her bedroom and took some sleeping pills to knock herself out. Then she woke up just in time to call her Boss to tell him that she wasn’t coming in to work that night; and he was upset.

And the next day Saturday she was still upset so she took sleeping pills again and she woke up on Sunday morning to the horrendous News on the Television that her good friend Jack Ruby had shot a man on TV whom he had perversely introduced to her and two other girls at the club saying, “Beverly this is my friend Lee Oswald, he’s with the CIA.” Jack Ruby introduced Lee Harvey Oswald to her as an operative working for the CIA!

When Beverly went back to work at the Club on Monday night, two FBI agents were waiting for her, and she gave them the film and she never saw her film again.

During the Warren Commissions investigation, there was a secret session of the commission, which was later declassified, in which they were discussing the question could Lee Harvey Oswald have worked for the CIA? There was a lot of talk about this and they asked Allen Dulles, who was one of the commissioners -- and a former director of the CIA. -- Would the CIA ever admit if Oswald had been an agent? And Dulles said that the CIA would not admit, even under oath, that somebody had been an informant or an agent. And the only way they could be persuaded to do otherwise is if the President of the United States issued a direct order. 

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James Files, a member of the Chicago mob and who was also involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion, confessed to shooting JFK above the right eye with a hollow point bullet that was filled with mercury (a silver bullet). Gagsters would often fill their bullets with mercury filament which would explode upon impact, fragmenting the bullet making it imposable to trace from what gun it was fired.

James Files would always kill his victims with a head shot, then he would pick up the empty shell and bite the end of the casing with his teeth, and drop it back down on the ground as evidence that he was the assassin. He also claims that there were other members of his "hit team" Chicago mobsters/CIA operatives Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli, who fired at the President from the Dal-Tex building, across the street from the Texas School Book Depository.

Roselli later bragged to a man in the La Cosa Nostra that he had shot at and may have been the one that killed John F. Kennedy; and that his men had helped finish the job, shooting from the sewer drain and the grassy knoll.

Files and Oswald had spent a few days together prior to the assassination. Files claims that he and Oswald went to an empty field to test fire the weapons and calibrate the scopes that were to be used on President Kennedy.

Files, a former CIA and mob hit man, says that he was wearing a “reversible” jacket to look like a railway worker, and that he kept his Remington XP-100 “Fireball” with his specially-made .22 hollow point bullets filled with “mercury,” in a small suitcase.

Files states that he was a backup shooter waiting in the rail yard behind the fence and when the President’s car came into view he was aiming for his right eye in his scope as he was coming down Elm St. When he heard the first shot he started counting all the shots one, two, three as misses, because the President still had not been hit in the head, and he had been instructed to take the shot only if no head shot had been made. The car was passing through his last field of vision, so he took the shot and he saw Kennedy's head explode. At that moment, he knew he was dead, because he knew that no one could survive that hit. His shot and allegedly Nicoletti’s shot supposedly hit President Kennedy’s head within a split second of each other; Charles Nicoletti, firing from the Dal-Tex building.

He removed the shell casing, placed it in his mouth, bit the casing and placed it on the fence, laid the Fireball back in the case, closed it and walked away. As he was walking away from the fence, he saw a cop drop his motorcycle on its side and run up the hill with another cop close by. They were stopped by two men wearing suits and showing some kind of ID. Files claims that: "I was preparing to pull my Colt .45 from under my jacket and shoot them when they were stopped. I just kept right on walking like I was going back to work from my lunch break." He then walked to an arranged meeting place (a car garage) where Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli were waiting for him. Files drove them to a gas station to drop them off, and he drove back to Chicago.

James Files told his story for the first time 30 years later to Joe West, how in all the killings that he did for the Mafia and CIA, he would always kill the person with a head shot. And that the “Round that struck President Kennedy in the head was a “Mercury Round;” and that the traces of the “Mercury” would still be present, as Mercury takes forever to go away. So, there would still be traces of mercury on the President's skull. So Joe West wanted to enter this as new evidence in the case, in order to have a chance at getting JFK’s body exhumed. How-ever, Joe West as usual died shortly after this, and his case died with him.

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Joe West met with John Rademacher, a lawn cutter who found the .222 casing near the stockade fence. And the open end where you put the powder and bullet was oval not round and there were marks or dents in the casing just as James Files had said there would be.


James E. Files Confession of One of the Killers

 Click here: https://youtu.be/XpHgAjhAx0o?si=V0HIxuilLvZIfNlv


The night before Kennedy was killed, a party was held, at the Dallas home of oil millionaire Clint Murchison, where there was a secret meeting of about 25 men that took place to discuss the assassination and the cover up of JFK the next day. President Kennedy was about to have Lyndon Johnson, and Billie Sol Estes, indicted and put in jail for running a vast scam where they were getting $21 million dollars a year federal agricultural subsidies for "growing" and "storing" non-existent crops of cotton.

At this meeting were some of Kennedy's most powerful enemies. R.L. Thornton former Dallas Mayor, Texas Governor John Connally,  Cliff Carter Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, H.L Hunt a Texas oil billionaire who wanted Kennedy killed because he had the Congress eliminate the tax breaks for the oil companies, which was costing the Texas oilmen 300 million dollars a year.

Also John J McCloy the CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations; and co-founder of the CIA; He was an agent of the Rothschild's and a high-ranking member of the Illuminati, a former president of the World Bank, who control the Federal Reserve, and who wanted Kennedy dead; Because on June 4, 1963, JFK had stripped the Federal Reserve Bank of all its power to loan money to the U.S. government at 10% interest, by signing Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to print currency backed by silver, interest free, without going through the Federal Reserve.

George Brown (of Brown and Root) was also at the meeting, he controlled all the big Military contracts and he offered Johnson lucrative kickbacks to have Kennedy killed, so they could continue to keep the Vietnam war going for as long as possible. Johnson hired Cord Meyer, CIA Assassin Master to put together the death squad to kill Kennedy. Cord Meyer hated Kennedy because his wife Mary Meyer was said to have had an affair with JFK.

Johnson was heavily invested in the military industry and started the entire Brown & Root, Halliburton military takeover of the U.S government; which earned President Johnson huge sums of money from the escalation of the Vietnam War. For example President Johnson owned 200 thousand dollars in Bell Helicopter stock which was worth 6 million by the time he left the White House. Five Thousand five Hundred U.S helicopters were shot down during the war which was good business for President Johnson. In those days Halliburton was known as"Dow Chemical," which made billions on selling napalm, and agent orange. When Johnson died in 1973, he was worth 15 million dollars which would be worth almost 100 million today.

Also at the Clint Murchison meeting was Earl Cabell the Mayor of Dallas, and the brother of General Charles Cabell who was the Deputy Director of the CIA who was fired along with Director Allen Dulles, by Kennedy over the Cuba invasion and the Bay of Pigs fiasco, which nearly ended up in a nuclear confrontation with the Russians.

The CIA wanted JFK dead because he had threatened to get rid of their corrupt Nazi clandestine organization and shred it into a thousand pieces. Also included at the meeting was Richard Nixon, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (33 degree Illuminati Freemason), Clyde Tolson the assistant Director of the FBI and Hoover's lover, Bill Decker (Dallas Sheriff), Clint Peoples (U.S. Marshall), Don Smith, Amon G. Carter owner of the Fort-Worth Star Telegram, B.R. Sheffield, George Owens, John Currington, Joe C. Yarbrough, W.O. Bankston, and Texas Governor John Connally. Johnson appointed Hoover Director of the FBI for life, not only to help cover up the JFK murder, but to make sure that there would never be any investigation into his involvement in the assassination.

On November 21, 1963 Jack O’ Halloran came to Dallas the day before John F. Kennedy was killed, to try out for the Dallas Cowboys which was owned by Clint Murchison. That night the coach took him to a party at the Murchison ranch and the honored guest was J. Edgar Hoover the head of the FBI. While there he had an interesting encounter with some very rich and powerful people who were all in town for this occasion. Several New York Bankers were there like John J McCloy, the Rockefeller's, and their adviser Henry Kissinger, Allen Dulles the former head of the CIA, and four potential presidents, Ford, Nixon, Bush, and Johnson. Nixon's driver claims to have seen both Prescott Bush and his son George H.W- both of whom he knew very well- at the meeting.

Johnson was the last to arrive, he came to the party late around 11:30. Madeline Brown said, "Tension filled the room upon his arrival, and the group immediately went behind closed doors.” They all went into the large conference room to discuss something, and that is when the party broke up and Jack O’Halloran left.

A short time later Lyndon, anxious and red-faced, reappeared. Madeline Brown said, I knew how secretly Lyndon operated. Therefore I said nothing... not even that I was happy to see him. Squeezing my hand so hard it felt crushed from the pressure, he spoke with a grating whisper, a quiet growl, into my ear, not a love message, but one I'll always remember: "After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedy's will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise."

According to a story told by one of the alleged Kennedy co-conspirators and spotters Frank Sturgis. George H. W. Bush and Richard Nixon had joined Hoover that night in Dallas at the Murchison gathering to discuss the final details of the assassination and the cover up before Kennedy arrived the next day. Sturgis’ explosive revelations about Bush's and Nixon's involvement was also confirmed by a living witness who worked for Clint Murchison at the time of the assassination. Incredibly, not only did the witness collaborate their meeting prior to the assassination, but also a second gathering involving the alleged co conspirators (including the assassins and their spotters) who toasted and celebrated Kennedy’s death as they watched television reports the next night. People had seen George Bush in Dallas staying in the Adolphus Hotel, and Bush had spoken to a group of oil men in Dallas the night before the Assassination.

George Bush had worked for Clint Murchison in Haiti, and was also one of his business partners. At the time George H.W. Bush was the head of Zapata Oil, which was on an Island close to Cuba, and he was placed in charge of the CIA invasion of Cuba. In 1961 the CIA officer L. Fletcher Prouty said that he delivered three Navy ships for the planned invasion of Cuba, to the CIA agent who was in charge, George Bush; who immediately had the 3 ships painted to look like they were civilian vessels. He then renamed the ships Barbara, Houston, and Zapata, after his wife, his hometown, and his oil company. Any good historian of the Bay of Pigs invasion will tell you the names of these 3 ships that were sunk during the battle. And this is just one more finger pointing at George Bush's involvement in organizing the Bay of Pigs invasion, and in sending his trained assassins to kill John F. Kennedy.

 Considering the hatred that the CIA felt toward Kennedy over their failed invasion of Cuba and Bush's involvement in that same mission, it is obvious what Bush's feelings toward John F. Kennedy really were, and what a major role he played in bringing his assassin teams up from Cuba to kill the president.


Although George H. W. Bush has admitted to being in Texas that day, he cannot account for his exact whereabouts at the time of the assassination. Some people say that George H. W. Bush was stopped and questioned by police as he was coming out of the Dal Tex Building, where he identified himself as a Houston oil man, and they let him go.

But Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig reported to Special Prosecutor Jim Garrison, that he knew of 12 arrests made in Dealey Plaza that day, and one was made by R.E. Vaughn of the Dallas Police Department of a suspicious man who came running out of the Dal-Tex Building, and the police could hardly avoid arresting him because of all the clamor coming from the crowd of onlookers. He was taken to the Sheriff's Office for questioning by two Dallas Police detectives, but no name, mug shots, interview, or fingerprints exist of this mystery man who claimed to be "an independent oil operator from Houston, Texas,"which was always George Bush's (CIA) cover.

This is a picture of someone who looks a lot like George Bush standing on the steps of the School Book Depository, perhaps waiting to see what would happen as the police searched the building.

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The Texas School Book Depository was almost completely empty of tenants until about six months before the JFK Assassination. The name, “Texas School Book Depository,” is misleading. It sounds like the building was where the state of Texas stored its textbooks. But in fact, the Texas School Book Depository was the name of a company that Clint Murchison was on the board of the directors. 
I was surprised to learn this, because Clint Murchison was the Texas Oil Billionaire that had the meeting in his home the night before the assassination, with Bush, Johnson, Nixon, Hoover, Connally, and 20 other men, to plan the assassination and its cover up the next day.

The mere coincidence that Clint Murchison would move his book company’s business into this warehouse building just before the assassination, suggests to me that they must have been planning Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas six months before it happened. And that they knew Kennedy’s car would be slowing down to make the turn just in front of this building, which made it an ideal location to place snipers. 

Jack Ruby writes in a letter while in prison: "Isn't it strange that Oswald who hasn't worked a lick most of his life, should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Book Building two weeks before (the assassination); the president himself didn't know as to when he was to visit Dallas; now where would a jerk like Oswald get the information that the president was coming to Dallas? Only one person could have had that information, and that man was Johnson who knew weeks in advance as to what was going to happen, because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip for the president, this had been planned long before the president himself knew about it, so you can figure that one out. 

The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson, and he was in a car in the rear and safe when the shooting took place. What would the Russians, Castro, or anyone else have to gain by eliminating the president? If Johnson was so heartbroken over Kennedy, why didn't he do something for Robert Kennedy? All he did was snub him.

Only one man knew about the Kennedy’s coming to Dallas and the route that the motorcade would be taking, and that man was Lyndon Johnson, because President Kennedy had put him in charge of planning the whole trip.  The fact that Lyndon Johnson was at the Murchison house meant that these two men must have been good friends, which was verified by Johnson's mistress Madeleine Brown.

The reason why I know that only one man knew the route that the President’s car would be taking that day is because Johnson changed the route at the last second just as the motorcade was getting ready to leave the airport so that the motorcade would go past the School Book Depository where Johnson's mixed gang of assassins were waiting.  Johnson's Secret Service men came up to the motorcycle police and told them that the parade route had been changed. It would no longer be going straight down Main Street as planned, but it would be making a turn onto Houston Street and another at Elm. 

They also told the motorcycle police not to ride next to the President's car, but to make sure that they stayed back behind the car, so that the crowds of people (and the assassins) would have a clear view of the President.

And the fact that the motorcycle police said that Johnson started ducking down under the car seat 30 seconds before the first shots were fired, proves to me that Johnson knew the exact location where the crossfire would take place!


There were also several Mafia kingpins that wanted the Kennedy's dead from the Genovese Mafia. Along with Carlos Marcello the head of the New Orleans Mob and the godfather of Louisiana and east Texas, who had been one of the main targets of the Kennedy Brothers war on crime, and had sworn to get vengeance against them. And Joe Scarcella, the head of the Dallas Mob in Texas, was also at the Murchison house the night before the assassination.

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During the Kennedy administration, organized crime convictions increased from 35 in 1960 to 160 three years later. Bobby Kennedy was putting the heat on the Mafia’s 1,400 strip clubs, drugs, prostitution, loan sharking, etc, and had put over 250 key Mafia leaders in jail. And from 1960 to 1963 the number of Mafia leaders targeted for prosecution rose from 40 to 2,300. The Mob wanted to put an end to the damage that the Kennedy administration's war on crime led by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, was having on them.
Plus there were 4 or 5 Mafia hit men, Larry Campbell a high ranking Mafia Lieutenant working for Jimmy Hoffa, Joe Civello a Dallas mafia don, Joe Campisi.  Jack Ruby, along with George Reese, Cliff Carter and Carlos Marcello were a second team of men shooting at the President from the second floor of the Schoolbook Depository. There were also teams of men shooting from the Railroad overpass, behind the fence on the grassy knoll, the Dal-Tex building, and on the roof of the County Records Building.

An FBI document lists Jack Ruby as a spy and hit man that had been working for Richard Nixon since 1947. Ruby was seen by a woman who knew him well, Julian Ann Mercer, approximately an hour before the arrival of JFK's motorcade, unloading a man from his car carrying a rifle in a case at the Grassy Knoll. On Saturday, the day after the assassination and before Oswald was murder by Ruby; FBI agents showed Miss Mercer identification photographs. They identified Jack Ruby as being the driver of the truck from which the rifle was unloaded just past the knoll.

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In a book titled “The Men on the Sixth Floor,” by Glen Sample and Mark Collom, Loy Factor tells a story that  Malcolm Wallace approached him because of his ability as a marksman and offered him ten thousand dollars if he would do an unspecified “job” for him and his people, two thousand payable up front, and eight thousand when the job was done. A deal was struck, and a few days before the assassination a young Hispanic woman of around twenty named Ruth Ann Martinez, accompanied by a young Hispanic man drove him to a house in Dallas, where Mac Wallace the group leader was already present. For a few days the group discussed their plan to kill Kennedy while Factor sat idly by. Two other people arrived at the home to set in on some of the planning sessions, Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald.

Just before the assassination Ruth Ann drove Loy Factor to the Book Depository Building and led him up the stairwell to the sixth floor, where Mac Wallace and Oswald already were. Factor was given a rifle, and Malcolm Wallace told him that if he and Oswald both missed, he would be the backup. They wanted him if they missed to shoot the President, but he told them that he couldn’t do it. Nevertheless, Factor was told to go to the southwestern most window on the sixth floor. 

Wallace was two windows to the east, and Oswald was at the sniper’s nest window at the southeastern most corner. Ruth Ann, was on the walkie-talkie communicating with other shooters, presumably located on the grassy knoll, and gave a countdown to Factor, Wallace, and Oswald, signaling them when to fire. But Factor said that although he “ejected a shell from the rifle,” he did not fire it.

Following the shooting, Factor said that he and Ruth Ann fled down the stairs and she dropped Factor off at the Greyhound bus depot. But before she did, even though he hadn’t done what he was paid to do, Ruth Ann still gave him his eight thousand dollars. An hour or so later, while he was still waiting for a bus out of town, Ruth Ann came back to the bus station with Malcolm Wallace. “They said they had to get out of town, cause things were too hot to be sitting in a bus station.”  

Karen Carlin, a stripper in Jack Ruby's  Carousel Club, was interviewed by Secret Service agent Roger Warner. Warner's report states that Mrs. Carlin stated "That she was under the impression that Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and other individuals unknown to her were involved in a plot to assassinate President Kennedy and that she would be killed if she gave any information to the authorities." Carlin died of a gunshot wound in August 1964. Bill Damar the night club MC saw Lee Harvey Oswald in the Carousel Club the week before the assassination.

In the first three years after President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald were killed, eighteen key witnesses suddenly died. Six by gunfire, three by alleged suicide, One from a cut throat, one from a karate chop to the neck, three from heart attacks, and two from Natural causes.

An Actuary hired by the London Sunday Times concluded that the odds against this many key witnesses mysteriously dying within three years after the murders, is One Hundred Thousand Trillion to one. 

In a book titled “Legacy of Secrecy:” The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination written by Lamar Waldron. Carlos Marcello from the New Orleans mafia admits to having JFK killed. The book cites a testimony from Marcello where he said “Yeah, I had the son of a bitch killed. I’m glad I did. I’m sorry I couldn’t have done it myself.” It seems that Marcello does not care who knows that he helped orchestrate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The former mobster boss also claims that he knew Jack Ruby, and he had him kill Lee Harvey Oswald.

Malcolm Wallace, who was on LBJ's staff, was also at the Murchison house the night before the assassination. He was a "hit man" and an expert marksman who had murdered as many as 18 or 19 people for Lyndon Johnson, according to the testimony of Johnson's mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown. There was one unidentified fingerprint at the time of the initial investigation of the sixth floor Texas Schoolbook Depository. Finally in 1998 this fingerprint was identified as belonging to Malcolm Wallace.

Many crucial witnesses were brutally murdered right before their scheduled appearances to testify under oath before the House Assassination Committee. On 9th August, 1984, Billie Sol Estes' lawyer, Douglas Caddy, wrote to Stephen S. Trott at the US Department of Justice. In the letter Caddy claimed that Billie Sol Estes, Lyndon B. Johnson, Mac Wallace and Cliff Carter had been involved in the murders of Henry Marshall, George Krutilek, Harold Orr, Ike Rogers, Coleman Wade, Josefa Johnson, John Kinser and John F. Kennedy. Caddy added: "Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders.

"Madeleine recalled that " after Johnson emerged from the Murchison meeting he walked up to her, and grabbed her by the arms and whispered in her ear, “After tomorrow those S.O.B.'s, the Kennedy's, will never embarrass me again - that's no threat - that's a promise.”

The next morning Kennedy and Johnson got into a heated argument over the motorcade seating arrangements. Johnson insisted that his friend Connally and his wife ride with him in the rear vehicle. When Kennedy refused, Johnson stormed out of the room in a rage. L.B.J. fought to the death to try to get Connelly out of that seat, but finally there was nothing he could do. J.F.K. said he either sits in that car or he walks. Jacky Kennedy said: "It was the most  vehement argument she ever heard her husband involved in." Why would this be so important to L.B. J. ? Why would he give a crap where Connelly sits?

When Kennedy's plane landed at Love Field and they were busy shaking hands with all of the people, Johnson's Secret Service men came up to the motorcycle police and told them that the parade route had been changed. It would no longer be going straight down Main St. but it would be making a turn onto Houston Street. They also told the motorcycle police not to ride next to the President's car, but to make sure that they stayed behind the car, so that the crowds of people (and the assassins) would have an unrestricted view of the President. Johnson also changed the order of the cars in the motorcade, instead of his car being second, he put a car load of Secret Service men between his car and the President's.

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As Kennedy's car was about to make the turn into Dealey Plaza, Emory P. Roberts stood up in the car and ordered the two agents that were riding beside the rear of the presidential limousine to "fall back" leaving the President without any protection from the rear. 

Johnson was also seen ducking down in his car a good 30 to 40 seconds before the first shots were fired. Even before the President's car turned onto Houston street, Lyndon Johnson was acting as if he knew that bullets would soon be flying, ducking down repeatedly before the first shots were fired.

Dallas Police Officer Billy Joe Martin Said: According to his fellow motorcycle cops "who were escorting [the Vice Presidential car,] LBJ started ducking down in the car a good 30 or 40 seconds before the first shots were fired..." One of the Police Officers who were describing to his fellow Officers what happened the moments just before the shooting started said: "our new president is either one jumpy son of a bitch or he knows something he's not telling about the Kennedy thing."

I think its obvious that Johnson knew that the shooting would start as soon as the President's car slowed down to turn the corner of Elm and Houston, so he duck under the seat just before all the rifles started firing.

Two of the secret service officers assigned to ride on back of president Kennedy's car are ordered to stand down as they leave Love Field. They are obviously not happy about being given these orders.

Now Governor Connally knew that Kennedy was going to be killed, and he was quite nervous the whole time he was riding in the set in front of Kennedy. There were witnesses standing near the car when Connally was shot, and they heard him say, “My God they’re going to kill us all.” This implies that he obviously believed that there was more than one shooter, and that only one person Kennedy was supposed to be killed that day. As the first rifle shots rang out, Roberts ordered his agents to stay in the car, but one of the Secret service agents rushed to the limousine as the back right side of the president's head was then blown off.


Immediately after the shooting, two Policemen got off their motorcycles and ran up the hill toward the fence. Patrolman E.D Brewer called over the police radio saying. "We have a man here who says he saw a man pull the weapon back through the window off the second floor from the southeast corner of the Depository building." Clint Murchison was one of the owners of the School book Depository Company.

Lee Harvey Oswald was confronted by an armed Dallas policeman, Marion Baker, in the Depository second floor lunchroom only 74 to 90 seconds (according to a Warren Commission time recreation) after the last shot. Baker first testified that the shots he remembered hearing as he approached the Depository originated from the "building in front of me, or, the one to the right". In the second floor lunchroom Oswald was identified by the superintendent of the building, Roy Truly, as one of the employees, and then released. Both Baker and Truly testified that Oswald appeared completely "calm, cool, normal, and was not out of breath in any way" and was not sweating.

The Secretary across the hall from the second-floor lunchroom testified that Oswald had ask her for change of a dollar so he could buy a Coke. This brief exchange must have taken at least a minute. Oswald then walked across the hall and bought a Coke in the second–floor lunchroom; And moments later, he encountered Roy Truly, the TSBD’s building supervisor, and Marrion Baker, the motorcycle policeman who ran into the TSBD within half a minute of the shooting. Many accounts by TSBD employees mention that they stopped work and began their lunch break at about 11:45 or 11:50. Two of Oswald’s colleagues make it clear that Oswald did indeed eat his lunch before the assassination in the first–floor domino room. This is consistent with the accounts of William Shelley and Bonnie Ray Williams. Shelley was on the first floor at around the same time, and saw Oswald there

In an affidavit on the day after the assassination, Charles Givens claimed that he saw Oswald “in the domino room where the employees eat lunch about 11:50 A.M.” (Commission Document 5, p.329). A few weeks before Givens was due to appear in front of the Warren Commission, an FBI memo noted that a Dallas police inspector “stated that GIVENS had been previously handled by the Special Services Bureau on a marijuana charge and he believes that GIVENS would change his story for money” (CD 735, p.295). By a strange coincidence, Givens did indeed change his story, testifying that his sighting of Oswald had happened on the sixth floor

Finally, Oswald chatted with his foreman for a few minutes before going home. The official account of Oswald’s activities has him leaving the TSBD at 12:33, just three minutes after the shooting.


About 15 minutes after the assassination, Sheriff Roger Craig saw a light green Rambler station wagon driving real slow down Elm Street, and the driver was leaning over to his right looking up at the School Book Depository at a man who came running down the grass. Sheriff Craig immediately tried to cross the street to take these two people into custody for questioning, because everyone else was coming to the scene and these were the only two people leaving. But the traffic was so heavy he couldn't get across the street before the car sped off.

Sheriff Craig described the man he saw running from the School Book Depository and getting into a Rambler station wagon to his boss, and Captain Fritz said: “That sounds like the suspect we have in custody. Come on up and take a look at him. So he went up to Captain Fritz's office, and Oswald was sitting in a chair behind the desk. 

Fritz turned to Sheriff Craig and said: “is this the man you saw? And he said: “yes it was.” Captain Fritz turned to Oswald and said: “This man saw you leave, at which time Oswald became a little excited. And said: “I told you people I did.”

Captain Fritz said: “Now take it easy son! We're just trying to find out what happened.” Fritz then said: “What about the car?” He didn’t say station wagon, he said: “what about the car?” And Oswald said: “that station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine, don’t try to drag her into this. 

Oswald confirmed he had left the building, and had gotten into a Rambler station wagon. He said: “That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Ruth Paine. Don’t try to drag her into this. She had nothing to do with it. My wife lives with Mrs. Ruth Paine. She [Mrs. Paine] was learning Russian, and we needed help with the young baby, so it made a nice arrangement for both of them. . . . I don’t know Mrs. Paine very well, but Mr. Paine and his wife were separated a great deal of the time.”

Then he leaned back and very distressfully said: “Everybody is going to know who I am now.” Sheriff Craig said: This was not a brag. I know that it has been blown up to be a brag by the Warren Commission. But this sounded more like he was disgusted with himself for having gotten caught, and having blown his cover. 

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Michael Paine, Ruth Paine's husband, worked at Bell Aerospace as a scientific engineer. His boss, General Walter Dornberger was the Director of Research, and was a notorious Nazi war criminal, and was sentenced to be hanged at Nuremberg for his war crimes, slave labor, and mass murders; but he was sent to the U.S. through Project Paperclip. Michel Paine’s stepfather, Author Young was the inventor of the Bell Helicopter. Michael Paine had top secret clearance and was well connected to the military-industrial complex. The Paine’s made huge profits from Kennedy’s assassination and the expansion of the Vietnam War by Johnson.  

The very first call to authorities after the gun fire went off on November 22, 1963, was from an employee of Bell Helicopter who suggested that "Oswald did it." Police never revealed the source that gave them both of Oswald's addresses that day.  

Ruth Paine’s family was directly connected to the CIA. Ruth Paine’s father had worked for the CIA as an “executive agent;” and her sister Sylvia was also employed by the CIA. A few days after the assassination Marina Oswald was told by the Secret Service to stay away from Ruth Paine because she was sympathizing with the CIA. Marina Oswald swore under oath before the New Orleans grand Jury saying: “Seems like she had friends over there and it would be bad for me if people find out a connection between me and Ruth and CIA.” Bad for Marina or bad for the official story?

On the day of the assassination, upon searching the Paine’s garage they found a set of metal file cabinets with names and activities of Cuban Sympathizers. Which means that the Paine’s were involved in the same intelligence activities that Oswald was involved with, during the summer of 1963. The fact that Ruth Paine had an intense desire to learn Russian is an indication that she also worked for the CIA.


Marita Lorenz Castro's mistress, had to flee from Cuba for her life, when Castro found out she was working for the CIA trying to kill him. She testified under oath that she saw E Howard Hunt pay off an assassination team in Dallas the night before Kennedy's murder. Clint Murchison and H.L. Hunt had provided financing for the assassination in order to preserve the oil depletion allowance at 27.5%, which remained unchanged under LBJ.

Hunt was in charge of the assassination teams and Oswald had written him a letter on the 8th of November 1963 asking for more information as to what his role would be in the Assassination. E. Howard Hunt, was previously involved with the coup in Guatemala and the Bay of Pigs invasion, and subsequently convicted in the Watergate burglary.

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In 1978, CIA spy E. Howard Hunt, sued the Populist newspaper "Spotlight" for $650,000 for defamation of character in a Florida court, because they had reported that Hunt was in Dallas the night before Kennedy's murder handing out money to a group of assassins.

Eyewitness Marita Lorenz testified under oath that she saw E. Howard Hunt pay off an assassination team in Dallas, the night before Kennedy's murder. When Marita discovered that it was plot to kill the President, she left the hotel room and flew back to Miami. She also testified that shortly after Hunt left, that Jack Ruby showed up, and it was then she decided to return to Miami that same night, but said that Sturgis later told her about what she had missed in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963: "We killed the president that day."

This testimony came in a lawsuit brought by Hunt against the right-wing newsletter Spotlight for printing a 1978 article titled, "CIA to Admit Hunt Involvement in Kennedy Slaying." Hunt lost the case, and the jury ruled in favor of the newsletter. 

E. Howard Hunt also gave a death bed confession to his son Saint John Hunt, claiming that he had only been a bench warmer in an operation, codenamed "the Big Event,"which was a vast conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy; for which he laid the blamed on LBJ's door step, as being the mastermind behind the plain; and the CIA and FBI for carrying out the assassination, and the elaborate cover up that followed.

In an interview, Marita Lorenz said: "I asked Sturgis: "Jesus Christ Frank, did you shoot the President; did you have something to do with that?" He said, "Ah who gives a shit, ya who's going to prove it?" He said, "We kill a lot of people, what's the hell the difference? Look at what he did to the Bay of Pigs; Look at what he did, he let the Black people go, and gave them all their rights. He didn't want Vietnam; they had good reasons; and then he said, "I'd do it again!"


Frank Sturgis : Marita Lorenz and Howard Hunt | Who Murdered JFK? (1988)  Click here: https://youtu.be/ygIF5VaBjIU?si=iiJ0hNivA-kH2dhX


A man by the name of John Elrod was arrested as a suspect in the Kennedy Assassination and put in a cell with Lee Harvey Oswald. John noticed that Oswald had been beaten up by the Police, and Oswald told John "I did not shoot the President." And John said "I know I didn't shoot no President!" 

John Elrod knew Jack Ruby, and Nine months after Ruby killed Oswald, John Elrod went to the Police and said that he had information concerning the murder of Lee Oswald. He told the FBI that back in the Dallas jail his cellmate had talked about a Hotel room meeting where money changed hands and Jack Ruby was at the meeting. This story places Ruby and Oswald together with several others in a Hotel room before the assassination.

John Elrod kept the secret about what he knew about Kennedy’s assassination for over 33 years. He was Lee Harvey Oswald's cellmate, and what Oswald told him in jail scared him so much he has been hiding on a secluded island for fear of losing his life; like the other 70 witnesses who mysteriously died before giving their testimony. And for the first time in 1996, John Elrod told a little bit of what he knew, breaking his silence. “Right now I am saying things that could really get me in trouble.”


This was some of the most explosive new evidence uncovered in the continuing investigation into the John F. Kennedy assassination that most researchers have either chosen not believed, or have totally missed.

The Warren Commission never heard of John Elrod, the House Assassinations Committee didn't interview him. And you won't find his name in any of the 2000 books written on the Kennedy assassination. 

John Elrod may be the most important witness yet in the slaying of John F. Kennedy. Because on the day the President died, Elrod was thrown into a jail cell with Lee Harvey Oswald. 

For 60 years we have been told the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was a deranged solitary figure, working alone when he fired his cheap mail-order rifle at the President. For six decades we have been told that Jack Ruby was also acting alone when he murdered Oswald. But that was before we learned about this man's close encounter with Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas City jail. 

John Elrod knew Jack Ruby, and Nine months after Ruby killed Oswald, John Elrod went to the Police and said that he had information concerning the murder of Lee Oswald. He told the FBI that back in the Dallas jail his cellmate had talked about a Hotel room meeting where money changed hands and Jack Ruby was at the meeting. This story places Ruby and Oswald together with several others in a Hotel room before the assassination.

Hard Copy: Oswald Talked Cellmate 7/22/96

Click here: https://youtu.be/T9AIDdMNztE?si=npyhJuSaprWjFTji


On the day of the assassination Bush was in Texas, but he denies knowing exactly where he was. Newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John F. Kennedy. The documents place Bush working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to supervise the drug and gun smuggling operations which were used to finance the invasion of Cuba, and to train the Cubans as CIA marksmen to assassinate Fidel Castro. Operation 40 was a top secret CIA project to train selected Cuban exiles in guerrilla warfare, bombings, protest, and assassinations aimed at overthrowing the Castro regime.

You may remember hearing the name Felix Rodriguez again during the Iran-Contra affair. He was the CIA agent who received the first phone call telling him that one of their planes had crashed in Nicaragua. As soon as Rodriguez heard that the plane crashed, he called his long-time CIA supervisor, George Bush. While being questioned by Congress, Bush denied being the supervisor of the CIA's gun and drug running operations, but investigators obtained copies of Oliver North's diary, which documents Bush's role as the CIA supervisor of the Iran-Contra supply network.

In 1988 Bush told Congress that he knew nothing at all about the illegal supply flights until 1987, yet Oliver North's diary shows that Bush was at the first planning meeting on Aug, 6, 1985. Bush denied being there; his "official" log places him somewhere else on that day, which provides him with "plausible deniability." But both Oliver North and Felix Rodriguez have kept records that show that Bush had supervised drug and gun running operations for the CIA since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba. (Source: The Washington Post 7/10/90).

Since it has been proven that George Bush was the supervisor of the secret Cuban assassination teams to kill Fidel Castro since 1960, which was verified by the former Cuban police commander Felix Rodriguez, it is likely that Bush brought his anti-Castro Cuban exiles up from Miami to assassinate President Kennedy and was in Dealey Plaza on November 23rd, 1963. (Source: The Nation, 8/13/88).

Several of the Cubans that Bush was supervising for Nixon, were photographed by people in the crowds and can be seen in the Zapruder film. The same people who were involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, were the ones involved in the JFK assassination, and the Watergate burglary. Why did Nixon have them burglarize the Democratic headquarters? Because the CIA was trying to stop the Democrats from publishing the photos of Hunt and Sturgis under arrest for the murder of JFK. (Source: May 7, 1977, SF Chronicle).

George Bush's Involvement with the CIA & the JFK Assassination

On November 29,1963, a few days after the assassination, a meeting took place between the FBI and the CIA.  J. Edgar Hoover wrote a memo and he titled the subject heading “The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.” Hoover reported that on the day after the murder of President John F. Kennedy the bureau of the FBI had briefings with two individuals."Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency;" and "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence  Agency."

J. Edgar Hoover writes a memo to the Director of the "Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State." He is afraid that "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" and "Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency," may try to capitalize on the present situation by launching an unauthorized raid against Cuba with their Anti-Castro group, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might give them the perfect opportunity to invade Cuba by blaming JFK's assassination on Castro and the Russians. 

Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Department of State
[We have been] advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U.S. policy… [Our] sources know of no [such] plans…  The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
- See more at: http://whowhatwhy.com/2013/09/16/part-1-mr-george-bush-of-the-central-intelligence-agency/#sthash.yv9GXnG5.dpuf
In this memo Hoover clearly names George Bush as the CIA supervisor of the Bay of Pigs invaders. Ask yourself the question “What does the Kennedy Assassination have to do with the Bay of Pigs invaders? Hmm... I wonder what Hoover is trying to say here?

There is no statute of limitations on a murder investigation. George Bush Sr. should have been given a fair trial and if found guilty hung for his involvement in John F. Kennedy's assassination. It's never too late for justice in this world. How many innocent people have died because of these NAZI PIGS? Why do we let all these mass murderers go free? Why do we choose to ignore Hoover's memo? It's the smoking gun that we have been looking for all these years! Hoover clearly names George Bush as a CIA agent in charge, and simultaneously and explicitly connects Bush to both the assassination, and to the "misguided anti-Castro assassination teams" that came up from Cuba to kill Kennedy.

Date:        November 29, 1963

To:           Director
                Bureau of Intelligence and Research
                Department of State

From:       John Edgar Hoover, Director

NOVEMBER 22, 1963

                Our Miami, Florida, Office on November 23, 1963, advised 
that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami advised 
that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro 
group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an 
unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination 
of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U. S. policy, 
which is not true.

               Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in 
the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro 
Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and, even among those 
who did not entirely agree with the President's policy concerning 
Cuba, the feeling is that the President's death represents a great 
loss not only to the U. S. but to all of Latin America. These 
sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba.

                An informant who has furnished reliable information 
the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami 
has advised that these individuals are afraid that the assassination 
of the President may result in strong repressive measures being 
taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, 
regret the assassination.

                The substance of the foregoing information was orally 
furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and 
Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on 
November 23, 1963, by Mr. W. T. Forsyth of this Bureau.

# # #


“Hey, these two memos about Mr. George Bush are the smoking gun! It is absolute proof that George H.W Bush was the President of the Zapota Offshore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, and was in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency's misguided Cuban invasion, and the assassination teams that were sent to murder John F. Kennedy in 1963!”

When confronted with this evidence, Bush said that this memo must be referring to another “George Bush,” because he wasn’t in the CIA at that time. Every member of the CIA is trained to always flatly deny being in the CIA. But there was only one George H.W. Bush who owned Zapata Offshore Drilling Company. And over the years, people have been able to piece together the facts from Bush’s personal life, showing that he was indeed deeply involved with the CIA invasion of Cuba which was launched from his island, and with the CIA’s assassination teams who were trying to kill Castro. This is undeniably the George Bush that Hoover was referring to, in his memo.

For years I wondered why out of all the people in the world would George H.W. Bush the President of the Zapata Offshore Drilling Company, want to draw huge attention to himself by calling the FBI on the day of the assassination to try to blame Kennedy’s murder on some innocent person? Then I realized that it must have been Bush’s job as Central Intelligence Agency’s director of the Cuban assassination teams, to be there in Dealey Plaza to oversee what happened that day. And I am willing to bet that Bush was afraid that someone may have recognized him at the scene of the crime, and that this is why he was trying to blame the murder on someone else, to draw the attention away from himself.

Right after the assassination, Bush gets into a small private plane at the airport and flies 30 minutes east, where he makes the phone call from Tyler Texas so he has an alibi and can now say that he was in Tyler Texas when the assassination took place. But when Bush is asked where he was when Kennedy was murdered, he says that he can’t remember. How is it that he can remember making a phone call from Tyler Texas 1hr 30 minutes after the assassination, but he can not remember where he was before that? If that doesn't sound suspicious, I don’t know what does!

Then Bush tells the FBI that he is proceeding to Dallas Texas and staying at the Sheraton- Dallas Texas Hotel, where people had seen him the night before. George Bush was staying in Dallas at the downtown Sheraton Hotel and had spent the previous night of the 21st there. George H.W. Bush. Richard Nixon, Johnson, J Edgar Hoover along with 25 others were all mysteriously for some reason in Dallas the night before the assassination at the Murchison house for a meeting on Nov. 21, 1963 before Kennedy arrived the next day, according to an alleged co-conspirator and spotter Frank Sturgis.  
After his dismissal as the director of the CIA, Allen Dulles wrote a book called The Craft of Intelligence – with the assistance of E. Howard Hunt. In this book Allen Dulles mentions that he was in Dallas weeks before the assassination, and that Al Ulmer, the foreign-based CIA coup expert was in Texas visiting with George Bush and E. Howard Hunt, both top Dulles CIA operatives and covert operations specialist, and it was confirmed by E. Howard  Hunt’s own son that both his father and George Bush had been in Dallas; – until supposedly George Bush leaves town either the night before or on the very day of the assassination and places his covering alibi phone call from Tyler, Texas.


On November 24, 1963, in a memo J. Edgar Hoover wrote for the record, Hoover stated, "The thing I am most concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."

J. Edgar Hoover wanted to officially claim that Oswald was the lone assassin, because if the killing of a President was caused by a lone assassin, it becomes the exclusive jurisdiction of the State law officers to investigate the case, not federal, that way the FBI had no jurisdiction to investigate the case.

Both Hunt and Frank Sturgis worked for Bush on the CIA’s raids and numerous attempts to assassinate Castro. Sturgis admitted to being a spotter and that both he and Hunt shot JFK from the grassy knoll. Frank Sturgis also testified that one of the two men firing from the grassy knoll hit the President in the throat.

E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis were two of the men posing as tramps arrested after they were found hiding in a boxcar behind the grassy knoll. Both of them just happened to have walkie-talkies on their person at the time they were arrested by the Dallas Police. The third man was said to have been Texas Mafia hit-man Charles Harrelson. Both Hunt and Sturgis were photographed and seen by 15 witnesses. The woman in the background who looks very upset is E Howard Hunt's wife Dorothy, when she saw that her husband had been arrested as a suspect in the JFK assassination.




Also Railroad worker Lee Bowers, saw two men shoot at the president from behind the picket fence atop the grassy knoll, in his 8X binoculars from his Union Pacific Railroad tower. Bowers saw the smoke rise from the gun as he heard the shots and he saw the men running down the tracks and then jumping into one of the box cars. But before the assassins could get away, Lee Bowers called the Dallas Police who arrested Hunt and Sturgis, but they later decided to claim that Oswald was the lone nut assassin, and they let them go without any record of their arrest.  


As the President's car approaches, a Cuban man sitting on the curb next to a mysterious man known as the "umbrella man," looks back up towards the picket fence and is talking to someone on a walkie-talkie. 

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Then they both stand up and the Cuban man wearing a black bray starts waving his fist at the President, as the white man opens and closes his umbrella several times as if he's trying to signal everyone. Just then the bullets start hitting the President from the front, back, and side.

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Then both men calmly sit back down again on the curb and acted as if nothing had happened; while everyone else around them is reacting frantically, falling on the ground, or running up the hill towards the picket fence trying to catch the men who just killed the President. 

Then they both stand up and walk in opposite directions, and the Cuban man tries to hide the radio in his back pocket as he is walking away toward the triple underpass.

Was there a conspiracy to kill the President? The fact that the limo driver came to a complete stop between two yellow stripes freshly painted on the curb. And that several shots were fired simultaneously from multiple directions, is proof that this was a carefully planned coup d’état.

Richard Nixon and George Bush's Role In The Assassination

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Richard Nixon was once asked how he compared to LBJ. His answer was “We both wanted to be President but I wasn’t willing to kill to get it.”

Jack Ruby once said “If Kennedy had picked a different Vice President he would be alive today.”

Frank Sturgis told the San Francisco Chronicle in a May 7, 1977 interview, "The reason we burglarized the Watergate was because Nixon was interested in stopping news leaking relating to the photos of our role in the assassination of President John Kennedy." Nixon was extremely concerned about stopping the Democrats from publishing the photos of Hunt and Sturgis under arrest for the murder of JFK.

This is a picture of Nixon and Bush in the White House discussing the Watergate cover up.


The Watergate tapes, from June 23, 1972 are often referred to in the media as the "smoking gun." Nixon is talking to his chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman discussing how to stop the FBI from investigating into the CIA's Watergate burglary. They were worried that the investigation would expose the connection between the Watergate break in, and the "Bay of Pigs thing." In H.R. Haldeman's book "The Ends of Power," he reveals that Nixon always used code words when he was talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as "the Bay of Pigs."

There are several incriminating documents and 4,000 hrs of tapes, which are still marked top secret in which there is clear evidence that Nixon is openly discussing on the telephone the role that "The Cubans," Bush's assassination teams played in the Kennedy's assassination. Over and over again certain names kept coming up on the Watergate tapes. "The Cubans," "the Texans," "Helms," "Hunt," "Bernard Barker," "Robert Mosbacher," and "the Bay of Pigs." Nixon’s frequent use of code words when referring to the mysterious connection between the Bay of Pigs, Dallas and Watergate are being kept sealed in the National Archives. 

 Nixon “never clearly said who was responsible for Kennedy’s death. But he did say, "Both Johnson and I wanted to be president, but the only difference was I wouldn’t kill for it.” On the tape, recorded in May of 1972, president Nixon confided to two top aides that the Warren Commission pulled off "the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated." Unfortunately, he did not elaborate. But the context in which Nixon raised the matter shows you just how far Nixon was willing to stoop in his efforts to become president, even if it involved assassinating his political adversary John F. Kennedy. Nixon also pardoned organized crime figures after the government had spent millions of dollars to put them in jail.

Do you think it’s possible that all three of these events are somehow connected? Nixon’s former chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman reviled in his memoir “The Ends of Power,” that the Watergate Burglaries were tied to the Murder of John F. Kennedy. That Nixon had attempted to force the CIA to assist him in thwarting the investigation into Watergate, by threatening to expose the CIA'S role in the Kennedy Assassination. And “that in all of those Nixon references to the Bay of Pigs, He was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination.” And anytime Nixon referred to "the Texans," he meant George Bush Sr.

Haldeman writes: "In fact, I was puzzled when he [Nixon] told me, 'Tell Ehrlichman this whole group of Cubans [Watergate burglars] is tied to the Bay of Pigs.' After a pause I said, 'The Bay of Pigs? What does that have to do with this [the Watergate burglary]?' But Nixon merely said, 'Ehrlichman will know what I mean,' and dropped the subject." This was Nixon's way of telling Haldeman to inform Ehrlichman that the Watergate burglars were tied to Kennedy's murder.

Several illegal activities were undertaken by President Nixon's secret agents E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy which involved murdering people when need be. For example the planned assassination of newspaper columnist Jack Anderson, Nixon's arch enemy in the media. Anderson had revealed Nixon's connections with Johnny Roselli who shot at Kennedy from the Dal-Tex-Building, and was the head liaison between the Mafia and the CIA.

Johnny Roselli was the head liaison between the Mafia and the CIA, and had close ties to the three Mafia bosses associated with the Kennedy assassination: Sam Giancana of Chicago, Santo Trafficante of Florida, and Carlos Marcello of New Orleans. According to columnist Jack Anderson, Roselli told him that mob leaders had ordered Jack Ruby to kill Lee Harvey Oswald because they were afraid he might crack and reveal their part in the conspiracy to kill President Kennedy.

The Washington Post reported that E. Howard Hunt was ordered to kill the columnist in January 1972, and the plan allegedly involved the use of poison. Liddy admitted that he and Hunt had "examined all the alternatives and very quickly came to the conclusion the only way we're going to be able to stop Anderson is to kill him... And that was the recommendation approved by Nixon.

In July 1976 shortly before Roselli was to be questioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee, his body was discovered floating in an oil drum, in Dumfoundling Bay in Miami. He had been strangled and stabbed, his legs had been sawed off and stuffed into an empty oil drum along with the rest of his body. It is believed that Roselli was killed by someone working for Trafficante because he was talking too much about the Kennedy assassination.

In a 1980 legal case, Liddy testified that there even came a time during the Nixon presidency “when I felt I might well receive” instructions to kill E. Howard Hunt- adding, “I was prepared, should I receive those orders, to carry them out immediately.

With the philosophy that the ends -always-justify-the means, Richard Nixon ran a Mafia style administration which had an ambitious criminal agenda of its own, one that did not hesitate to use bribery or murder to cover up or advance its own secret agenda.


When Fidel Castro came into power, most of the people in Cuba were starving to death. Cuba was like Las Vegas, it was full of Nightclubs and Casinos that were draining millions of dollars out of the economy every day, and most of the drugs that were coming into the United States were being smuggled into Miami from Cuba. Castro closed all the Casinos, and put an end to the drug smuggling, and through all the Mafia leaders out of the country. And the Pepsi-Cola Co. was told that they could no longer pay slave wages to the Cuban people working on their sugar plantations, and Pepsi, Standard Oil and other corporations lost millions of dollars in real-estate and property that Castro took from them and gave back to the farmers.

They were also afraid that this would have a Domino effect, and that a lot of the Dictators in the South American countries would follow Fidel Castro's example, because there was just as much organized crime, poverty and injustice in those countries as well. The CIA was also heavily involved in the drug trade and in keeping the military industrial complex going. They were running what President Truman called the "Shadow Government."

So the corporations and the Mob came to President Eisenhower and Vice-President Nixon asking them for his help to remove Castro. Nixon began working secretly with the heads of the CIA, Allen Dulles and George Bush who were the organizers of the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro's Cuba, if their attempts to assassinate Castro failed.

Prescott Bush was a close friend and golfing partner of President Eisenhower. Prescott Bush had advised Eisenhower to run for President and also helped to launch Richard Nixon's career to the Vice-Presidency. And he was one of the major financiers of Nixon's presidential campaign against Kennedy. Prescott and George Bush were avid opponents to the Kennedy's and Richard Nixon was always a political puppet of the Bush Nazi Bankster cartel, which made billions from selling GUNS, OIL, and DRUGS.

Prescott Bush was a wealthy Banker who had financed Adolf Hitler during World War II. George Bush's Nazi father had been involved in the financing and building of Hitler’s steel mills, for making ammunition, guns, tanks, planes, artillery, oil, tires, gasoline, etc, everything needed for his deadly war machine. He also helped to finance the building of over 40 concentration camps in German occupied territories to provide slave labor for Hitler's factories.
He was also involved in a plot to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt because of his challenges against the elite establishment, with his New Deal programs to help the poor.

For more details about the Bush Family Nazi Connections.

Click here: https://bushnaziconnections.blogspot.com/

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Prescott Bush backer of Richard Nixon’s campaign against JFK in 1960.

Prescott Bush owned large Oil, Sugar and Coffee slave labor Plantations, and Rum distilleries in Cuba, which was part of his wife's family inheritance from the Walkers West Indies Spice Company. During his campaign for President against John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon promised to authorize the invasion of Cuba to remove Castro from power as soon as he became President. In exchange he received large campaign contributions from Pepsi, Ford Motor Co., Standard Oil (Prescott Bush) and from the Casino and Mafia drug dealers. The man who was President of Costa Rica at the time -- dealing with Nixon while the invasion was being prepared -- stated that Nixon was the man who originated the Cuban invasion." H. R. Haldeman, “The Ends of Power.”

Nixon Hated Kennedy because he believed Kennedy had stolen the election from him and that therefore JFK's election instead of his was illegitimate. Nixon met with the executives of Pepsi-Cola Co. in Dallas the day before the assassination, and the son of another Pepsi-Cola executive had dinner with Jack Ruby the night before JFK was murdered. The front page of The Dallas Times Herald on November 21, 1963: had a photograph of Richard Nixon with Pepsi Cola President Donald Kendall in Dallas, Texas on the day before the murder of President Kennedy. The newspaper caption reads: "NIXON TODAY ... JFK TOMORROW.

Nixon is said to have left Dallas on the morning of the assassination. However during an FBI interview in early 1964 Nixon told the FBI that he had not been in Dallas on the day of the President's murder, but before he left he held a press conference were he attacked Kennedy saying that he knows that Kennedy and Johnson are here in Dallas today, but from what he understands before the reelection in 1964 Kennedy is going to get rid of LBJ and drop him from the ticket. This was an explosive thing to say in Texas where having Johnson on the ticket was crucial to Kennedy being able to gain the electoral votes of the state of Texas in a close reelection battle. Nixon was putting himself in front of the press showing great animosity toward the President, an just by coincidence happens to be in the City when the President is shot. Nixon had been in the Clint Murchison meeting the night before, and he knew exactly what was going to happen to the President at high noon, so he quickly boarded a plane in the morning and flew back to New York.


 Chicago godfather Sam Giancana told relatives he was in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 to supervise the plot to kill Kennedy. Giancana claimed that both "Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson knew about the whole damn thing"— adding that he had met with both future president's in Dallas "immediately prior to the assassination."

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Everybody in Dallas knew that Jack Ruby was a Mafia hit man. Madeleine Brown Lindon Johnson’s mistress said that Jack Ruby was the guy in Texas who knew everything that was going on. If you wanted to gamble, Ruby would fix it so that you would not be raided. If you wanted a contract out on someone, you could go to Jack Ruby and get any one beat up or killed. You could call Jack Ruby and get anything you wanted, prostitution, drugs, killing whatever, he was the head guy. This is why they chose Ruby to kill Oswald, to keep him from telling everyone what he knew. As a result many people started to suspect that the Mafia was involved in both the plot and the assassination of Kennedy.

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Jack Ruby was with the Press Photographers in the room during the first Police News Conference with Lee Harvey Oswald. He later bragged to reporters that he was carrying a gun. He may have been looking for an opportunity to shoot Oswald that first night, no one knows for sure.

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But when Jack Ruby was interrogated by police he wouldn’t say very much, but once in a while he would give a clue to let everyone know who was behind the assassination of JFK. For example Jack Ruby's comment to reporters while being transferred to his prison cell. "When I mentioned Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice-president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy." When asked to explain what he meant, Ruby replied, "Well the answer is the man in office now [Lyndon Johnson]." It's clear to me that Jack Ruby was laying the blame for JFK's murder on Lyndon Johnson. 

Jack Ruby began to talk a little bit more in prison. He said: "Isn't it strange that Oswald should be fortunate enough to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository Building two weeks before... Only one person could have had that information, and that man was Johnson... because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip... The only one who gained by the shooting." Jack Ruby says Isn't it strange that Oswald just happens to get a job at the Texas School Book Depository two weeks before the Assassination? Only Johnson knew the route that the motorcade would be taking, because he arranged the trip, so he must have arranged for Oswald to get a job there, and was the only one who had something to gain by the President's murder!


Jim Garrison during his investigation of the JFK assassination obtained Jack Ruby’s 1962-63 telephone records which showed that he received 52 phone calls from heads of both the New Orleans and Chicago mob before the JFK assassination. Jack Ruby had introduced Lee Harvey Oswald to the girls working in his burlesque Club saying:  Beverly this is my friend Lee Oswald, he’s with the CIA.” Jack Ruby told people in jail that Lyndon Johnson knew the route the president’s car would be taking weeks before they arrived in Dallas, and they had arranged for Lee Harvey Oswald to get a job at the School Book Depository two weeks before the murder took place. 

It is my belief that Oswald was working for the CIA as a spy when he defected to Russia, and that the CIA got him a job at the School Book Depository two weeks before the assassination, and they used Oswald as the perfect “patsy” the fall guy to blame the assignation on. If Lee Harvey Oswald was working for the CIA as a paid assassin, I believe that he purposely missed on his first shot by a mile, trying to warn the President Kennedy to duck down, and his second shot he shot Governor Connally because he knew he was part of the plot to kill the President. The shots that hit the president in the throat, and right temple came from the front.  

A large oak tree blocked the view of the president's car from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. It was established by the FBI and the Warren Commission that the first clear shot could not have been fired from the alleged Oswald window until the car reached the Stemmons freeway sign. Kennedy was shot in the throat while the car was still under the tree. It wasn't until 14 frames later, 3/4's of a second after Kennedy put his hands up to his throat, that we can see that Connally was shot. It takes 2.3 seconds to reload Oswald s gun, both of these shots could not have come from Oswald's gun. The bullet that hit President Kennedy in the throat was a small bullet, but the bullet that hit Connally in the back was a large one. I believe that Oswald's second shot hit Connally.   

The possibility that Oswald was aiming at Texas Gov. John Connally and not President Kennedy is not that far fetched. Oswald’s wife said that Lee loved the President, and there is another fact that not many people know about. Lee Harvey Oswald had a grudge against Connally, because when he was the secretary of the Navy he refused to change Oswald's dishonorable “hardship” discharge,  to an “honorable” one.


Ruby stated that people in "very high places" had "put him in the position he was in" and "would never let the truth come above boards to the world". He said, The only one who gained by the shooting of the president was Johnson.”

Jack Ruby told Chief Justice Earl Warren when he came to visit him in jail, that he wished his commission had “delved deeper into the situation… not to accept just circumstantial facts about my guilt or innocence, and would have questioned to find out the truth about me before he relinquished certain powers to these certain people… Consequently, a whole new form of government is going to take over our country and I know I won’t live to see you another time.”

What kind of government did Jack Ruby think was going to take over our country? Ruby wrote from his jail sell: "This man [LBJ] is a Nazi in the worst order." "They will know that only one kind of person that would do such a thing, that would have to be Nazis, and that is who is in power in this country right now."

Jack Ruby wanted everyone to know that only one kind of person could have done such an evil thing as to murder John F. Kennedy. That would be the Nazis; Bush, Nixon, Johnson, and J. Edgar Hoover 

At first people must have thought that Jack Ruby was totally insane and delusional saying that the Nazi’s and President Johnson were involved in President Kennedy’s murder, but he was trying to tell us the truth.

President Truman said: "I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo."

William L. Shirer, the author of "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," when speaking about the Nixon administration said this, "We could become the first country to go fascist through free elections."

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”— Theodore Roosevelt, in his Autobiography, 1913

 “The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, … and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.” – New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times


Why would Johnson appoint men like John J McCloy and Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission. John J McCloy was the president of the World Bank and High Commissioner for Germany after World War II, and had helped to pardon and release thousands of Nazi mass murderers from prison. He was also friends with Hitler and shared the same box with Hitler and Herman Goering at the 1936 Olympics, and he was in close contact with Rudolph Hess during the War. Allen Dulles was the first Director of the CIA and he was in charge of “Operation Paperclip,” where they smuggled Nazi war criminals into the United States to utilize their evil talents, in fighting the Cold War against Communism. 

Kennedy hated Allen Dulles and fired him, vowing to end the CIA and to tear it into a thousand pieces. LBJ appointed men like these as the heads of the Warren Commission to help cover up the truth about what really happened that day, and to hide all those who were responsible for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  If Hover and Johnson didn't set up the assassination then it must have been Allen Dulles, because Allen Dulles's job during World War II was to run assassination teams throughout Europe. He was the head of the OSS, and later US. Director of the CIA/FBI-Division 5/MI6 which conducted assassinations and coup d’états worldwide.

Allen Dulles was part of the cover up, and played a critical role in getting everyone to believe that Oswald was the lone nut assassin. During their one year investigation, the Warren Commission purposely prevented any witnesses from testifying that they heard more than three shots, or that they heard or saw smoke and gunshots coming from the bridge and the grassy knoll; or that any others were involved in the plot and conspiracy to murder the President. 

How convenient it must have been for President Johnson, to have these Nazi holocaust mass murderers in the CIA, who had been recently fired by President Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba almost triggered a nuclear war with Russia. These men were staunch enemies and bitter appoints to Kennedy and his peace plan. Why would these men end up being put in charge of the investigation to find the President Kennedy's murderer. This is how the illuminati secret government, who runs the FBI and the CIA were able to make sure that all the incriminating documents and evidence would be stamped "Top secret," censored from public eye for 50 years, heavily redacted, locked up in a volt, or totally destroyed. So that the real truth might never come to the surface, or see the light of day. And this all would not have been possible without the help, total silence, complicity, and laziness of the American corporate Media, by gullibly accepting the Warren Commission's magic bullet, and lone assassin cover story, hook, line and sinker. 

These men purposely tampered with and destroyed as much vital evidence as they could get their hands on; they rewrote people's testimonies, and allowed only those witnesses to testify, that would collaborate their official government story, that a crazy lone nut assassin had killed the President.  At the initial meeting of the LBJ-appointed Warren Commission, McCloy spoke for the global elite when he said that it was of paramount importance to “show the world that America is not a banana republic, where a government can be changed by conspiracy.”

This secret society of powerful Illuminati bankers, drug runners, and corrupt politicians who killed Kennedy, have Nazi/Fascist ties and connections to both the Nazi run CIA, the Mafia, the Occult, and the U.S military industrial complex. These men also have a very powerful influence over the mainstream media and our judicial system, and are fully capable of blocking any real investigation of the facts, as they have done with the twin towers—whether by government or the press—right up to this very day. Journalist John Loftus reported that George H.W. Bush had 41 ex-Nazis working for him in the White House during his presidency.

A former Nazi SS officer Helmet Streikher who worked for the CIA and served under the former director of the CIA George H.W. Bush said this: “One of the worst-kept secrets in the [CIA], is the truth about the president’s murder. It wasn’t Castro or the Russians. The men who killed Mr. Kennedy were CIA contract agents. John Kennedy’s murder was a two-part conspiracy murder. One was the action end with the killers; the other was the deeper part, the acceptance and protection of that murder by the intelligence apparatus that controls the way the world operates. It had to happen. The man was too independent for his own good.”


After the British, American, and Russians bombers had totally destroyed all the major cities in Nazi Germany. It makes sense that the Nazis who had gained control of the American CIA were secretly trying to invade Cuba to trigger a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, which could have ended up in totally decimating all of our major Cities as well, as pay back to us

After World War II, nearly 3000 crack Nazi S.S. agents were brought to the U.S. and given new identities and positions within the American corporate empire, most of these positions being part of the so-called Military-Industrial Complex. This super top secret operation was called Project Paperclip. This was implemented with the help of the Rockefeller's and Nazi sympathizers within the U.S Intelligence agency.

It was quite a feat to create a Nazi run Intelligence agency in America without the American people who hated the Nazis from even knowing about it. It was even more of a feat for the CIA to carry out a partial fascist coup d’état of the American government in 1963 by killing the President.

Do you think that the Nazis after losing the War just gave up their goal of wanting to rule the world, with their New World Order? Don’t kid yourself, the Nazis have tons and tons of gold, they merely had to go TOP SECRET AND UNDERGROUND.
Kennedy fired Allen Dulles who was a Nazi, and the director of the CIA because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco.  Kennedy had also threatened MJ-12 member Gordon Gray that he was going to “dismember” the CIA unless they got out of the international drug trafficking business.

The Illuminati Banksters are made up of 13 to 15 devil worshiping blue blooded families, which include: Rothschild's, Kuhn; Loeb; Lehman; Rockefeller's; Sachs; Warburg; Lazard; Seaf; Goldman Schiff; Morgan; Schroeder; Bush; Harriman ... These families didn't suddenly come into power over the last 100 years. We are talking about thousands of years of royal bloodline control of the world. The Rothschilds and the other banking families pretty much own all the central banks of the world; like the federal Bank of America, the Bank of England, the South African Reserve Bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia, India, Brazil, all the central banks of all the countries of the world no longer belong to the people. They are owned by private entities that are controlled and owned by the Rothschild Banking Empire, and their Illuminati, Nazi, One World Agenda calls for the establishment of a National Socialist One World Government. 

During  World War II the Nazi S.S. was literally teeming with Jesuits. Germany was a Catholic country and they saw themselves as the New Roman Empire taking over the world. This New World Fascist Government wants to reduce the world’s population by getting rid of the jobless, all the worthless eaters, mentally ill, and the inferior races, through war, starvation, man-made diseases, and mass genocide. And they want to start a nuclear holocaust between Russia and the United States which they believe that they will  be able to ride-out in their underground bases.

Since 1949 the CIA with the help of U.S. special forces have used proxy and covert operations to overthrow governments and suppress freedom movements that would challenge America’s dominance, and its insatiable appetite to control the world’s oil, drugs, and natural resources, and for its quest for global power. In over 35 countries the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists; and the ugly reality is, if we would only look at ourselves in the mirror, we would see that the U.S. has a long and unbroken track record of working with the devil, fascists dictators, drug lords and state sponsors of terrorism in every region of the world.  


Jesse Curry about George De Mohrenschildt..

Click here: https://youtu.be/UQHGrXuQ1o4?si=W4BzwpjGLviaT8HM

In 1960 J Edgar Hoover wrote a memo about Lee Harvey Oswald's involvement with the CIA. While Oswald was in the Marines he was stationed at a top secret Air Base for U2 spy planes where he learned to speak Russian. This was not the standard training for the average Marine. Oswald was obviously being groomed for special intelligence work.

A recent CIA Memorandum was discovered after 45 years, where the Director of the Central Intelligence agency clearly states that Lee Harvey Oswald was trained by the CIA and was a CIA agent when he was in Russia and continued working for the CIA after he returned. The following Memorandum reads: “Oswald subject was trained by this agency under cover of the office of Naval intelligence for Soviet assignments”...

I am concerned that if this information were in any way disclosed to the wrong persons, it would lead the media to erroneously claim this agency, and perhaps others were directly involved in the Dallas action. While the persons involved were in the employ of this agency, as well as the Federal Bureau of investigation, it is virtually impossible for this or any agency to maintain full 24-hours-a-day responsibility over its operatives.

Oswald's CIA handler was George De Mohrenschildt. He was an intelligence agent for the Nazis before he started working for the CIA. One of the strongest pieces of evidence that Oswald was involved in spy work was a small Minox camera found among his effects by Dallas Police. The camera was hidden in Oswald’s seabag and was not available to the public in 1963. The existence of the camera pointed to Oswald's intelligence connections.

On April 10, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to assassinate General Edwin Walker. Some of the evidence that points to the possibility that Oswald was an assassin working for the CIA is a letter that he left his wife, Marina Oswald, describing what she should do, if he were arrested, killed or had to go into hiding. Also photographs of Walker's house from the sniper's position taken by Oswald's camera were found pasted into Oswald's scrapbook.

According to Marina's testimony, the next day George De Mohrenschild come over to their house and rushed up the stairs, and said "Lee, how did you miss General Walker?"

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On 5th September 1976 De Mohrenschildt sent a message to George H. W. Bush, who was at that time director of the CIA: "Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either the FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation.

I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from (cystic fibrosis) over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you anymore." 

Two months later George de Mohrenschildt was committed to a mental institution. According to his wife, Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, he was suffering from depression. He was taken to Parkland Hospital and underwent nine electroshock treatments. 

In February 1977, Willem Oltmans, met George de Mohrenschildt at the library of Bishop College in Dallas, where he taught French. Oltmans later told the House Select Committee on Assassinations: "I couldn't believe my eyes. The man had changed drastically... he was nervous, trembling. It was a scared, a very, very scared person I saw. I was absolutely shocked, because I knew de Mohrenschildt as a man who wins tennis matches, who is always suntanned, who jogs every morning, who is as healthy as a bull."

According to Willem Oltmans, he confessed to being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. "I am responsible. I feel responsible for the behavior of Lee Harvey Oswald... because I guided him. I instructed him to set it up." Oltmans claimed that de Mohrenschildt had admitted serving as a middleman between Lee Harvey Oswald and H. L. Hunt in an assassination plot involving other Texas oilmen, anti-Castro Cubans, and elements of the FBI and CIA. 

Oltmans told the House Select Committee on Assassinations: "De Mohrenschildt begged me to take him out of the country because they were after him." On 13th February 1977, Oltmans took de Mohrenschildt to his home in Amsterdam where they worked on his memoirs. Over the next few weeks de Mohrenschildt claimed he knew Jack Ruby and argued that Texas oilmen joined with intelligence operatives to arrange the assassination of John F. Kennedy

Willem Oltman a Dutch Journalist said the Mr. DeMohrenschildt told him in Dallas that Oswald acted at his instructions, and that they had discussed the Kennedy Assassination from A to Z and that he knew that Oswald was going to kill president Kennedy sooner or later. Oltman also said that there were 4 assassins, and DeMohrenschildt also mention a anti-Castro American by the name of Lauren Hall who was offered $50,000 dollars to take part in the assassination of president Kennedy. In 1977 George De Mohrenschildt was found fatally shot, allegedly a suicide, on the day a House Select Committee investigator came by looking for him. His wife Jeanne consented to a press interview, where she said that George had been a Nazi spy.

President Kennedy had tried to warn us of the dangers of these secret societies such as the CIA, Skull and Bones, the (CFR) Council on Foreign Relation, and the Bilderberg Group."There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot."

John F Kennedy: Exposing Secret Societies - The Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Zionism

Click here: https://youtu.be/hO1BD6jpBSE?si=EM29x-Av6XzEdU4W

A former CIA agent, and Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt had a "deathbed confession" where he names the men who killed Kennedy. Hunt alleges on the tape that then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the planning and cover-up of the assassination, stating that LBJ, "Had an almost maniacal urge to become president, and he regarded JFK as an obstacle to achieving that."


Madeleine Brown tells a story of when she met with her lover Lyndon Johnson 6 weeks after the assassination at a New Year's Eve party at the Driskill Hotel in Austin. She had heard rumors that Johnson was responsible for Kennedy's murder. So she burst forth and asked him what had been bothering her for a long time.

"Lyndon, you know that a lot of people believe you had something to do with President Kennedy's assassination."
He shot up out the bed and began pacing and waving his arms screaming like a madman. I was scared.
"That's BS, Madeleine Brown!" he yelled. Don't tell me you believe that crap."
"Of course not," I answered meekly, trying to cool his temper.
"It was Texas oil and those! @#$% Renegade intelligence (CIA)! @#$%&$ in Washington."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my eyes bulging.
Hell, that! @#__$%_#__!@#$% Irish Mafia Kennedy - with advice from the Invisible Government - came out for suicidal cuts in the oil depletion allowance. More than 280 million dollars per year! He stopped a half dozen mergers under the Anti-Trust Act. In '62's snag, the market dropped one hundred and thirty-seven billion! @#$% dollars. Steel fell fifty percent, and he had the impertinence to talk about 'rollback of prices or worse, a freeze. This was war, Madeleine, to some rich, fat cats in Texas you and I both know. He campaigned on an increased defense budget. Then he made plans to close fifty-two bases in 25 states, plus 25 overseas bases, and he was getting ready to quit in Southeast Asia. And for the first time in history, he had sent in one intelligence agency, the FBI, to dismember another agency, the CIA. America simply could not have this!"

"Who were the Texas oil men, Lyndon? Who are we talking about?" I asked boldly.
He turned and looked me straight in the eyes with a cold glare, saying, "Behind every success there is a crime. Do you remember what I told you years ago, Madeleine? You see nothing, you hear nothing, you say nothing." As he stormed off to the bathroom, he added, "I can see that I've already told you too much. I should have listened to my own advice."

Madeleine Duncan Brown has no doubt that Lyndon told her the truth. She believes that LBJ and the Texas oil cartel did what they felt they had to do to protect their own interests.

When you look at all the evidence that still remains today there can be no reasonable doubt that Johnson, Nixon, Bush, along with their gang of Mafia and Cuban CIA terrorists, were connected to the murder of John F. Kennedy. "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us."
- George H.W. Bush.

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With a final salute to his Father as he rubbed the tears away from his eyes, millions from around the world cried with him, as they said goodbye to a man they truly loved!


To understand how George H.W. Bush and his father Prescott Bush were directly involved in President Kennedy’s assassination, you need to know a little bit about the Bush family history, and how wicked these people really are. For the last 4 generations which span over a 100 years the Bush Family has been secretly involved in making huge profits from war, blackmail, assassinations, government coup d’etats, election fraud, political bribes, and purposely initiating conflicts throughout the world, so that they can profit from controlling the world’s natural researches, child and adult slave trade, oil, guns, prostitution, and drugs. They are bloodthirsty pirates who sail the world’s seas, constantly murdering and plundering the weak and the innocent. These are children the “seed” of the devil that Jesus warned us about, satan’s royal bloodline. And the golden “god” that they worship and offer millions of blood sacrifices too, is the god of “Guns-Oil-and Drugs.”  These men possess great power and trillions of dollars in wealth, which is at the heart of not only America's but the whole world’s political and financial control.

Prescott Bush was the managing Director of the Union Banking Corporation who had sold billions of dollars in Bonds on the U.S stock market to help finance the rebuilding of Adolf Hitler’s weapons and petroleum factories. And in October 1942 Prescott Bush’s Union Banking Corporation and steel companies were seized by the U.S. government for violations of the Trading with the Enemy Act. But even after the war was over Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles continued to help smuggle Nazi war criminals and gold out of Germany. 

In 1949 Prescott Bush and Allen Dulles started the CIA where they smuggled into the United States and employed many Nazi war criminals. It was Vice-president Richard Nixon and Allen Dulles that recruited young George Bush placing him in charge of gathering the necessary funds needed for the Cuban operations. They convinced him that he would be contributing greatly to his country by joining the CIA and allowing them to use his Island to launch raids on Cuba, in exchange for getting the CIA’s help in expanding his oil business overseas.

George Bush began using his island and his Zapata Oil rigs to start smuggling drugs for the CIA into the United States. Zapata Offshore Oil became the perfect front for smuggling guns and drugs, and George Bush became the top man in charge. Michael Maholy, who worked for the State Department and the CIA for 20 years, said that the drugs were brought by sea to the Zapata Offshore oil rigs, unloaded, and then flown ashore in the helicopters, constantly carrying goods and personnel between the oil rigs and the American Mainland.

The crews on the shrimping boats were all seasoned paramilitary experts and specialists in their fields. These shrimp boats all had state-of-the art radar, hi-tech navigation systems, extra fuel tanks, and a crew consisting only of “Special Forces or Navy Seals.”

Maholy said that ships by a company named “Pacific Seafood” were used to ferry the drugs to several different countries. When the drugs were shipped to the U.S. they would use the remote mangrove swamps to unload huge loads of pot and cocaine which they would take to Miami packed in shrimp containers and shipped to various points of the U.S. This was a joint DEA-CIA operation. The shrimp containers “were filled with ice and everything but shrimp.”

Maholy wrote: Pacific Seafood used a number of vessels to carry out covert missions to run weapons, drugs and cash from country to country. Not only would their “shrimp” trawlers use the oil rigs for loading, unloading and refueling but to also deliver large sums of money to aid guerrilla armies like the Contras. The shrimping boats would constantly converge on Bush’s oil rigs to convert, trade, store and transport all of the above. Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr. would later become involved together in the gun and drug smuggling for the Iran-Contra scandal. 

In the beginning Bush’s Zapata Offshore Oil Company had only a few drilling rigs, but Bush soon set up operations with the help of the CIA’s drug money in the Gulf of Mexico, the Persian Gulf, Trinidad, Borneo, Medellin, Colombia, and Kuwait Shell Petroleum Development Company, which were among his company's clients.

The Zapata Offshore drilling rigs were located 40 miles off the coast of the United States beyond the U.S. jurisdictional limit, and halfway between the United States and Cuba, which made them the perfect centers for transferring large quantities of illicit drugs and contraband.


Researchers have discovered that George H. W. Bush has been in the CIA since the late 1950’s; and one of his jobs under the disguise of being in the oil business, was to consolidate and coordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on Earth. Some people say that one of the major reasons the U.S. was in Vietnam, was so that the CIA could take over control of the “Golden Triangle.” They didn’t care about how many people died, they just wanted to keep these wars going as long as possible, so that they could make billions of dollars in drug profits every year. It has been estimated that the CIA alone makes 300 billion dollars a year from the poppy fields in Afghanistan. To claim that these wars are not about controlling the Oil and Drugs is totally ridiculous.

Before the Vietnam “War,” the Golden Triangle was run by French Intelligence and Corsican mobsters. After the French bailed out of Vietnam, the American CIA quickly moved in, and The Golden Triangle was taken over by U.S. intelligence, with aid from Sicilian mobsters.

During the Vietnam War, a secret covert operation called the Phoenix Program was enacted by the CIA under Director William Colby to reopen the heroin trafficking routes out of the Golden Triangle in Laos, Cambodia, Southern China, and Burma which had largely been stopped by Viet Cong operations. This secret program was described to the American public as assassination and terrorist raids against the Viet Cong but what wasn’t revealed to them was the large-scale heroin trafficking of China White Heroin inside the bodies of dead soldiers returning to the United States.

During the Vietnam War, the CIA would smuggle drugs into the U.S.A. in plastic bags hidden inside the bodies of the dead soldiers being returned home for burial from Vietnam. CIA operative Gunthar Russbacher would describe how the bodies of the American soldiers were gutted and filled with drugs before they were shipped back to the United States.

This is what got the U.S. involved in Vietnam. For years there were no American soldiers in Vietnam, they were mostly CIA and U.S intelligence agents. When Kennedy said that he was going to bring 1,000 men home by Christmas and the rest home by 1965, he was really saying that he was going to put an end to one of the CIA’s biggest drug running operations. These narcotics networks were well documented in “The Politics of Heroin in S.E. Asia,” by Alfred McCoy, “The Great Heroin Coup” by Henrik Kruger, and “Double-Cross” by Sam and Chuck Giancana.

In Monika Jensen Stevenson’s book “Kiss The Boys Goodbye,” it details how our intelligence community used the apparatus of searching for POW’s/and MIA’s as a cover for trafficking drugs from the “Golden Triangle.” When multi-billionaire Ross Perot spent his own money to start looking for the POW’s and MIA’s in Vietnam, Vice-President George Bush asked him how his search was going? And he said, “Well, George, I go in looking for prisoners,” “but I spend all my time discovering that the government has been moving drugs around the world and is involved in illegal arms deals… “I can’t get to the prisoners because of all the corruption among our own people.” Because of his remarks to then Vice-president Bush, Ross Perot’s top security clearance was revoked and he was given orders to cease and desist his search, which he had to regretfully inform to all the families of the missing men.

George Bush was Ronald Reagan’s Vice-President and he obviously had a lot to hide. He was the former CIA Director and a future president who had been involved in the CIA drug smuggling operations since 1960, and he was definitely worried about Ross Perot finding out the truth.

In Rodney Stich’s book “Defrauding America” it tells of a “deep-cover CIA officer” assigned to a counter-intelligence unit, code-named Pegasus. This unit “had tape-recordings of plans to assassinate John F. Kennedy” from a wire tap which had been placed on the phone of J. Edgar Hoover. The people on the tapes were Nelson Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Lyndon Johnson, George Bush and J. Edgar Hoover.

There are several tapes, because Hoover never realized that his phone had been tapped. Nelson Rockefeller asked J. Edgar Hoover: “Are we going to have any problems?” And he said, No, we aren’t going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we’ll do our job.”

Hoover also told Rockefeller that they plan to do the job in one of the next three cities that he visits, and if Dulles (the head of the CIA) does his job of (killing Kennedy), Hoover and the FBI will do their job of covering it up!

George Bush was deeply involved in the JFK assassination. Joseph McBride stated that: “A source with close connections to the intelligence community confirms that Bush had started working for the Agency in 1960, using his oil business as a cover for clandestine operation. This is proof that George Bush Sr. had extensive experience working for the CIA before they made him the director in 1975.

In 1960, he was the president of the Zapata Offshore Oil Co. His duties as president were to smuggle drugs, guns and supplies for the Cuban Invasion. The CIA code word for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba was called Operation Zapata, and the two support vessels were named Barbara and Houston.

On April 16-17, 1961, the CIA attempted to invade Cuba using U.S.-trained and equipped Cubans. Operation Zapata turned into a huge failure. A group of Cuban Exiles were trained by the CIA to carry out assassinations and terrorism within Cuba to overthrow the government, and to reclaim the island and the mafia gold holdings.

It is hard to believe that George Bush America’s “Mr. War on Drugs,” the man who led the “anti-drug” campaign during the Nixon and Reagan presidencies and again during his own, was one of the key men profiting from trafficking drugs into the United States. While George Bush was drug czar, the volume of cocaine smuggled into the U. S. tripled. To pretend like he was fighting a war against drugs Bush would target all the small fry dealers putting them in jail, while all the major criminals in the highest levels of our government, politics and intelligence received amnesty from any prosecution, and were allowed to conduct their operations unmolested.

In 1956, President Eisenhower had enacted the Narcotic Control Act. This new law increased the minimum and maximum penalties for all drug offenses, to two-to-ten years for the first conviction, five to twenty years for the second and ten-to-forty years for the third. Under this new law a teenager caught with possession of one joint of marijuana was treated as severely as a Mafia don. Large numbers of small- time dealers and users were locked up, but the drug kingpins were left untouched. Police would arrest the users and the small-time pushers because these types of busts met with little resistance and the higher number of busts looked good on the reports. So they would target the users, not the dangerous criminals with mafia and government connections who were much higher up in the food chain. The higher number of busts that an officer would make, the more likely they would be promoted up the ranks.

CIA operative Trenton Parker described how the CIA called together the top Colombian drug dealers for two meetings in late 1981 under the Reagan-Bush administration to form a new Medellin Cartel to improve the shipment of drugs into the United States.

“No president that has ever declared a war on drugs and organized crime has ever really fought one, except for John F. Kennedy.” Kennedy sent the FBI to locate all of the CIA’s drug and gun running camps and order them to shut them down and confiscate all the drugs, weapons and money.  Other presidents who pretended to be fighting a “war on drugs” like the Bush’s and the Clinton’s were nothing but a sham, liars placed in high positions to make sure that no one would do anything to interfere with their huge profits.

They would make great speeches promising to do something about the terrible effects that these drugs and local drug wars were having on our cities and our children’s lives, but in reality the only thing they were doing was making themselves filthy rich, by smuggling more and more drugs into our schools and local neighborhoods. 

The day after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, J. Edgar Hoover wrote a letter to:
To: Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State.

Hoover was afraid that Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency with their Anti-Castro group might try to capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, which could trigger a nuclear war with Russia, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might give them the green light and the perfect opportunity to invade Cuba, by blaming Kennedy’s assassination on Castro and Russia.

It is a difficult thing for people to believe that many of the Wars that this country has fought over the last 100 years, have been started on purpose so that the wealthy corporations and drug lords can make huge profits selling guns-oil-and drugs. And that this illegal import of drugs into the United States, Canada, and Europe is controlled by the CIA and British Intelligence, which are supposed to be protecting the American people and our Cities, but they're not.

Trillions of dollars in drug profits are used by the CIA to finance their gun smuggling and covert operations around the world. Billions are used to bribe politicians and to pay for political campaigns in many countries, to ensure their control over the oil, drugs, and natural resources, and now the Illuminati with the help of the American Military and the CIA are starting wars with all the Arab countries in the Middle East and the Ukraine so that they can control all their oil and build more missile and Military air bases. If we don’t try to stop these Nazi Fascias and their One World Government, we will all become nothing but brainwashed Zombies having received our individual number and the mark of the BEAST. Suddenly waking up one day when it’s too late, finding ourselves in huge financial debts, controlled by the banksters and having our brains and moral conscience seared as it were with a hot branding iron.  As Americans we need to take back our Country and our lives, and choose what side we’re working and fighting for, God or the Devil. 

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Click here: http://satans-fallen-angels.blogspot.com


5. BUSH FAMILY NAZI CONNECTIONS AND THE BLACK POPE. Click here: http://bushnaziconnections.blogspot.com


Click here: https://eveloses.blogspot.com/
